AsSalaam & Good Awesome Morning to all! Im very happy to inform & share the following article that has just been published. Im sure it will benefit your professional work/career in your own unique way. Enjoy your read.
Ahmad Hamdi, A. H., Hatah, E., Makmor Bakry, M., Basari, A. H., & Ahmad Hamdi, N. (2024). Operations management of pharmaceutical supply during preparedness and disaster response: A scoping review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 103, 104296.
Sincerely & Best Regards,
Brig Gen Prof (Hon) Dato' Dr A Halim Basari
_from: Elsevier - Article Status •
date: 16 Feb 2024, 01:20_
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Management Research (Business/Education/Healthcare) & Contemporary Studies🎓PhD-Education, DBA, DDS, MS-Management, MS-Oral Medicine, B.Ed., BPH., B.Arts(IT/Management/Thai Studies),CEFR-C1,TEFL,TESOL*AACSB/AACE/APA-USA*