Josef Stalin once said that “One death is a tragedy, a million death is statistics”. The quote however may be dehumanizing but true to the scenario of workplace safety in our country.
With the ever-increasing number of workplace and road injuries, organization and enforcing agencies are busy with analyzing the increasing or decreasing trend of accidents which detaches them of the sensitivity and empathy by which they should be looking at the accident numbers. Thus, looking accidents as financial loses, looking them as numbers to put in a report, looking at the ROI from safety investments and merely quantifying the direct and in-direct loss of accidents, results in a diluted emotional response to accidents happening at workplace.
Analysis tools are available to look at the accidents objectively in terms of final and legal losses. But to look at the emotional loss of accidents, no tool or technique is available. Thus, we need to resist this numbing effect and raise the collective awareness of society towards workplace accidents. When society works as a social control towards workplace accidents, safety norms are easily internalized and will stay for a long time with an individual.
The agents of social control are:
1. Family- when family members emphasize on wearing of helmets while driving and demonstrate adherence to rules and regulations in front of kids, individuals are internally directed to work and behave safer as children will learn respect for authority.
2. Education- plays a crucial role in instilling civil behavior in young people. When our school education focuses on moral and sympathetic value of safety, those individuals will behave safer at any task they are doing.
3. Community- if the community collectively ridicules unsafe behavior and appreciates safe behavior, individuals, and organizations due to the fear of social shame, dis-investments in shares, will behave safely as behaving safely will save them, their business reputation and others as well.
Thus, as individuals we must demonstrate safe behavior in any task and strive to create a society which demands safety.
#safety #safeworkplace
Ph.D., former CEO & Distinguished Research Professor at SchoolMatch Institute - University of Dayton (2001-2018)
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