This is such an important report which shines a light on the extreme challenge that faces our sector, which we all have a moral imperative to address. Never before has the scale of exclusion, been so extreme or so common place. Thank you to the phenomenal Kiran Gill The Difference and Pepe DiIasio Association of School and College Leaders for forming and chairing the ‘Who’s Losing Learning?’ Solutions Council to ensure that voices across the sector, and across different functions of civil society come together to grasp the thorny challenge head on and work together on real solutions that we can enact to address this and stem the tide. At Lift Schools, we believe that every child should benefit from an excellent education, in every classroom, every day. That’s why I’m honoured to sit on the solutions council working with others to address something which I feel so strongly about, and have witnessed the impact of first hand. In 2024, it is wrong that the scale of the challenge is more profound now than ever. We must as a sector, as a country, as a society, right this wrong and do all we can to create an inclusive educational experience which allows all young people, regardless of background, identity, ethnicity, or SEN status to flourish, learn and feel safe. #WhosLosingLearning #EductionalSolutions #SolutionsCouncil
The Difference delighted to be joined by Secretary of State Bridget Phillipson as part of the first meeting of the Who is Losing Learning Solutions council, chaired by Pepe DiIasio General Secretary of ASCL. Read more about the launch of our new report here:
Thank you for your superb support and commitment to addressing this extreme challenge Elroy-looking forward to working with you in the year ahead.
Amazing progress!
Breaking cycles of exclusion demands collective resolve and impactful solutions. Elroy Cahill
Thank you Elroy!
Yes !
Passionate about the power of coaching & relational consultancy to help others lead from within. Driven by a deep-seated desire for my energy to ultimately support better outcomes for children and young people.
4moThis photo gives me hope! Hope because the report itself is so important (great title, BTW!); because of the people behind it, who won't let it go; and because we have a Secretary of State who is engaging so directly with education professionals in such a respectful and proactive way. Let's hope then, that this report marks something of a watershed moment in increasing genuine inclusion in education, and significantly reducing the degree of 'losing out'.