indo-swa meals
We plan to set up a Indo-Swa flavoured food business starting from the Kenyan coastal city of Mombasa. The intention is to create foods which have a fusion of the Swahili, Arab, Persian and Indian spicing and flavouring of the wholesome meals, which will be available as dine in or delivered to your business premise or home.
What we call Indo-Swa spicing and flavouring is the use of items like coconut milk, chillies, garlic, ginger and pepperes and spices like cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and black pepper to create a distinct taste. The common bond of this melting pot of cultural heritage is the Indian Ocean. The Indian ocean connects the Eastern African coast (land of Zinj) from Sofala, Kilwa through Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Pemba, Tanga, Mombasa, Malindi Lamu to Kilmaurs Then it connects to the Arabian and Persian gulf, going to the coast of present day Pakistan and India (from Gujerat to Tamil Nadu. These lands traded with each other including the various Islands in the Indian Ocean rim for 1000's of year's. Through open doors fueled by the monsoon winds which gave direction to the sails.
About me
I am a former Accountant and finance professional plus a published author of 3 books related to Islamic finance who due to partial vision impairment can not do anyth activity ro strain my vision further. Therefore I am capital raising to set up an Indo-Swa fusion meals business. This is my passion after Accounting, Finance and Islamic finance. Please contribute generously to my capita raising on Go Fund me