The European Health Data and Innovation Summit is coming up on 30 Jan 2025! 👇
The European Health Data and Innovation Summit on 30 Jan 2025 will bring together stakeholders to explore the future of healthcare, focusing on the use of health data and innovative technologies. 📣 As part of this event, we’re excited to host our TEHDAS2 stakeholder forum, where we'll share the first project results and discuss the development of the European Health Data Space (#EHDS). Don’t miss this chance to network, exchange knowledge and engage in timely discussions. Take a look at the programme and register now to attend in-person in Warsaw or virtually 👉 Organised in collaboration with Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (Naczelna Izba Lekarska), NIL IN - Sieć Lekarzy Innowatorów and EOSC4Cancer. Co-organisers: Ministerstwo Zdrowia, EIT Health, Okręgowa Izba Lekarska w Warszawie #TEHDAS2forum #healthdata