🤝 Be the change, stay updated & keep learning about areas that impact civil society. Our November newsletter is out featuring: 🔵 A video series by the Ford Foundation, Global Citizen and ECNL, in which activists from around the world and Gina Romero, the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of assembly share why it’s time to mobilise for positive change; 🔵 A LEAD open letter demanding the recognition, participation and protection of environmental human rights defenders; 🔵 Ways to shape the outcomes of the EU AI Act & the Digital Services Act; 🔵 New assessment to unlock domestic fundraising in Moldova & more. #HumanRights #CivilSociety #SocialImpact #HumanRightsDefenders #Advocacy #FreedomOfAssembly #DigitalRights #AIRegulation #EUAIAct #DigitalServicesAct #FundraisingForChange #Moldova #DomesticFundraising #NGO #ParticipationMatters
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Via Amnesty International: Amnesty International Annual Report 2024 The world is reaping a harvest of terrifying consequences from escalating conflict and the near breakdown of international law, said Amnesty International as it launched its annual The State of the World’s Human Rights report today, delivering an assessment of human rights in 155 countries. Amnesty International sounds alarm on a watershed moment for international law amid flagrant rule-breaking by governments and corporate actors 👉Powerful governments cast humanity into an era devoid of effective international rule of law, with civilians in conflicts paying the highest price 👉Rapidly changing artificial intelligence is left to create fertile ground for racism, discrimination and division in landmark year for public elections 👉Standing against these abuses, people the world over mobilized in unprecedented numbers, demanding human rights protection and respect for our common humanity. https://lnkd.in/dDkD8-Kt
The State of the World's Human Rights: April 2024 - Amnesty International
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🤔 Who are the perpetrators and beneficiaries of intersecting systems of oppression? At the recently held #AsiaPacificFeministForum hosted by APWLD in Chiang Mai, Thailand, we opened our session titled, "Decolonizing Emerging Technology: An Intersectional #Feminist Approach to Resisting Technology Facilitated Oppression" by asking the participants: *Is technology neutral?* No. 🔎 Big Tech companies own big data. Big Media enables harmful patriarchal stereotypes & dominant narratives. The State often funds disinformation campaigns (particularly during elections) targeting critical voices and identities. 🚺 On the other hand, women #landrights defenders and environmental #activists are on the frontlines defending lands and territories from corporate capture. They are often caught in the crosshairs of dominant narratives spread by big tech, big media, and the state. ⚒ Online violence through doxxing aimed particularly at women enables offline violence. This ultimately leads to the self-censorship of critical voices online. 👉 What is needed to fight **Technology Facilitated Gender-Based Violence ( TFGBV)**? 1. More platform accountability 2. Adequate survivor-centric legislation 3. More support from the government in terms of preventive and remedial measures for TFGBV 4. Public education and awareness against TFGBV such as sextortion is required 5. Survivor-centric public policy and more policies to address TFGBV Anything you'd add? Drop a comment and join the conversation! --- #techforchange #fairtech #feministtech #ngo #civilsociety #defendthedefenders #humanrights #grassroots #womensrights #genderequality #climatejustice
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🚨 Civic freedoms in Australia under pressure. The 2024 CIVICUS Monitor report, "People Power Under Attack", reveals troubling trends: 👉🏾 Whistle-blower jailed: David McBride, sentenced to 5+ years for exposing alleged war crimes, sparking concerns over whistle-blower protections. 👉🏾 Crackdown on protests: Pro-Palestinian and climate activists face arrests, excessive force, and restrictive laws. 👉🏾 Anti-protest legislation: Peaceful environmental activists are being criminalised, undermining democratic rights. 📢 CIVICUS, a global alliance of civil society organisations, tracks these violations worldwide to protect freedom of speech, association, and peaceful assembly. It’s time to defend democratic rights and uphold transparency. Read more: https://lnkd.in/gXk7jX-N
Global Findings 2024 - Civicus Monitor
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The United Nations Summit of the Future in September will see world leaders adopt the #PactForTheFuture. Civil society has been advocating for stronger commitments on human rights and social justice, but challenges remain. The journey and the stakes involved. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE: ‘The UN Secretary-General Underestimated the Difficulty of Reaching Consensus’
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🆕 Business & Human Rights Resource Centre analysis confirms what PBI sees through our frontline protection of #HumanRightsDefenders: 🔴 1000s of activists attacked for challenging corporate irresponsibility 🔴 Judicial harassment, killing, threats, violence 🔴 State, corporate & other non-state actors colluding The report strengthens the case for urgent action. States & business must: 👉 Support defenders & those who protect them 👉 Ensure accountability for attacks against defenders & guarantees of non-repetition 👉 Back legislation for mandatory due diligence #BizHumanRights https://lnkd.in/eR6a_2Va
People power under pressure: Human rights defenders & business in 2023 - Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
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New! Introducing a symposium series that seeks to problematize assumptions that human rights are the natural or obvious legal and normative framework for platform governance, and to nurture more sustained self-reflexivity over their potential, limits and ideological implications. This first post from Jelena Belic, Matthew Canfield, Rachel Griffin, Henning Lahmann, and Barrie Sander, conveners of the symposium, sum up what's to come in the series, and its purpose: https://lnkd.in/eCzGzgVa #humanrights #platformgovernance
The Promise and Perils of Human Rights for Governing Digital Platforms: Symposium Introduction | TechPolicy.Press
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We don’t need a compelling article from the Guardian to see that #repression of #civilsociety and the right to assembly is rising, even in our own backyard. Last year 196 people were killed because they stood up for climate justice and human rights. While wealthy countries criticise repressive tactics in the Global South, they are increasingly using their own measures to silence climate #protests at home. Mass arrests, new laws, and media attacks are being used to discourage people from engaging in legitimate #activism. Italy is not immune. In recent months, we've seen: - Climate activists facing penalties under the "eco-vandals" law—a law supported by an ex-minister who recently resigned amid allegations of misuse of public funds and the disclosure of confidential information (funny enough some Italian newspapers are already downplaying the scandal as a "complicated affair"); - Sea-rescue NGOs restricted in their life-saving operations in the Mediterranean; - Pro-Palestinian activists—including young students—subjected to repression. I come from a region where I still hear people dismiss environmental activists as "wasted hands that should be working in agriculture," where many still worship at the altar of industrialisation while drinking contaminated water (I think Ed Sheeran was referring to PFAS when singing "I feel the chemical burning in my bloodstream"), and where faith in institutions and the rule of law is steadily eroding. While there are times I can't help but feel a bit discouraged,I still believe protecting civil liberties is a shared responsibility. We must stay vigilant and keep the conversation going! Report from European Civic Forum here
Italy Alert: concerning civic space repressions
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https://lnkd.in/deFjDHsw 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum Opening Plenary The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging gaps and accelerating access 25 Sep 2024 Summary The 2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum will convene stakeholders to explore what solutions are still needed to realize access to effective remedy and justice in Asia and the Pacific. The Forum will focus on the following three parallel tracks: • Domestic remedy. Access to effective remedy at the national level is crucial to promote the rule of law and corporate accountability.
2024 UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum Opening Plenary The Remedy Blueprint: Bridging gaps and accelerating access
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It was a pleasure to attend the annual Team Europe Democracy network meeting in Brussels on 13-14 June. In an age of democratic backsliding both inside and outside the European Union, and at a time when the international community is facing unprecedented and intersecting environmental, governance and security challenges, we have a responsibility to coming generations to continue to advocate for human rights and for the principles of equality and non-discrimination as fundamental building blocks for equitable, peaceful and prosperous societies. #teameurope #TEDSecretariat #humanrights #ruleoflaw #accesstojustice #digitaldemocracyinitiative #DDI #humanrightsbasedapproaches #equaltreatmentandnondiscrimination #humanrightsdefenders #dataforhumanrights
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