EU Science, Research and Innovation’s Post

🚀 How are EU funds allocated to support the #DigitalTransition?    The EU wants to ensure our public administrations and businesses are fit for the digital age. To support Member States in this, the European Commission offers guidance towards common targets.     But how do we know we’re meeting those targets? This is where the work of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) comes in.     JRC developed methodologies to evaluate the EU's progress towards the targets. Our experts also provided data on EU public funding allocated to achieving them.    Some insights from JRC analysis:  ➡ €957 billion allocated from five funding instruments, with significant investments in the digitalisation of businesses and public services.  ➡ The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the largest contributor, with 77% of funds that could impact the targets.  ➡ Italy and Spain lead the way in RRF and Cohesion Policy budget allocated in absolute terms. Greece, Portugal, Latvia and Croatia also receive notable amounts relative to their population.   ➡ Germany, Ireland and Austria are the countries that use the largest part of their RRF funds for Digital Decade targets-related investments.    The map below shows the budget allocated to Digital Decade targets in each Member State under two of the five funding instruments analysed: the Recovery and Resilience Facility and the Cohesion Policy Fund, which together count for 92% of the total funding. Read more here: More details: #Digital #EUScience EU Digital & Tech

  • map

If I understood correctly the graph, the darker the color, the highest is the amount of funds used for the digital transition. If so, the graph is misleading. I can talk for Italy and Finland. To me it is obvious that Finland (as well as other Nordic countries) are using less money in the digital transition. In Finland everything is in digital form since many years already. In Italy it is the opposite and the digital transition has been slow and not as efficient. It is certainly a good thing that countries are investing in digital transition, but the countries that are not, it does not mean that they are not “ interested” but maybe they already meet the standards 😊 also, if i understand correctly, these are absolute numbers, maybe it would be better to express as a % of the total funding obtained. In this terms differences between countries might be significant in the outcome!

Is the map showing already spent or expected to be spent budget? As it is known, ability to spend varies quite a lot between countries and regions within them ... so that a non-trivial part of the planned budget risks to remain unspent.

Montserrat López Cobo

Project Officer at Joint Research Centre (JRC) - European Commission´s Science Service


Science for policy in action! It's great to see that months of work materialise into a result of great impact 💥

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