Our very own Nico Hutton was recently featured in the latest The Future of Protein Production magazine, talking about what collaboration in the cell-based industry means for Extracellular. "Instead of every company going through the same challenge, they should lean on the expertise that has been through these challenges previously" Take a read below and thanks to The Future of Protein Production for the feature!
Nice to see a Unifuge being featured in this pic!
Thanks, Nico Hutton, for describing the successful and enjoyable collaboration between Extracellular and Merck Life Science. Our cell culture media and your cells were grown efficiently at high density in a 200l bioreactor. Thanks also to Frederic Berkermann and Will Milligan for allowing this collaboration.
Insightful points on the future of food Nico
Great insights thanks for the read Nico Hutton!
Excellent work Nico Hutton
Co-founder & Editorial Director @ FPG Media | Creating spaces to nurture sustainable innovation 🌿
3moAlways a pleasure to feature such innovators in the industry - and a UK company flying the flag!