EN: If I say 🥖🍊NUTRITION🧡, what’s the first word that comes to your mind? ❓We asked this question to representatives from 16 Anglophone African countries, whom we gathered in Kenya. The goal? To step up efforts to fulfill nutrition commitments ahead of the Paris Nutrition for Growth Summit (#N4G) and set new ambitious targets to guarantee this right. Within the framework of the European #eu4sun project to support Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. ℹ️ https://lnkd.in/d9M-UcsM Delegation of The European Union to Kenya — ES: Si digo 🥖🍊NUTRICIÓN🧡, ¿cuál es la primera palabra que te viene a la mente? ❓Se lo hemos preguntado a responsables de 16 países de África anglófona a los que hemos reunido en Kenia. ¿El objetivo? Intensificar esfuerzos para cumplir con los compromisos sobre nutrición de cara a la Cumbre Nutrición para el Crecimiento de París #N4G y ponerse nuevas metas ambiciosas para garantizar este derecho. En el marco del proyecto europeo #eu4sun de apoyo al Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement
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Nutrition et Institutions de Financement du Développement (IFD) Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer la publication de notre article intitulé Investir dans la nutrition : Comprendre les obstacles et les solutions potentielles pour les IFD. Après un fort intérêt pour sa version anglaise, il est désormais disponible en français ! Dans cet article, nous explorons : 🔹 Le rôle crucial des IFD dans la lutte contre la malnutrition. 🔹 Les obstacles rencontrés par les IFD lorsqu'elles souhaitent investir dans la nutrition. 🔹 Des solutions pratiques pour débloquer davantage de financements pour des initiatives axées sur la nutrition. Nous espérons que cette version française permettra d'élargir la portée de ces découvertes essentielles dans les régions francophones. Accédez à l'article complet ici #Nutrition #FinancementDuDéveloppement #DéveloppementDurable #AfriqueFrancophone #Malnutrition #Investissement #SystèmesAlimentaires Nutrition and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) Our recent paper, Investing in Nutrition: Understanding Barriers and Potential Solutions for DFIs, explores the crucial role DFIs play in tackling malnutrition, the challenges they face in investing in nutrition, and practical ways to unlock more funding for nutrition initiatives. We've received strong interest in the findings. The paper is now also available in French! Access it here. #Nutrition #DevelopmentFinance #SustainableDevelopment #Malnutrition #Investment #FoodSystems Read here: https://lnkd.in/du3Tekzg
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🌍 Together for Nutrition: A Call for Action On September 24, 2024, World Health Organization and global partners including UNICEF UN Women The World Bank USAID Stronger Foundations for Nutrition Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement gathered at the ‘Together for Nutrition’ event during the 79th UN General Assembly. This initiative aims to boost efforts towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through improved nutrition, featuring a new collaboration model with past, present, and future 'Nutrition for Growth' (N4G) hosts. 📊 Global Malnutrition: A Critical Challenge Despite progress, global malnutrition continues to affect billions, causing nearly half of all child deaths. Women and girls are particularly impacted, with acute malnutrition rising by 25% since 2020 in the hardest-hit countries. 🤝 Unified Effort for Change The event launched new financing opportunities and called for gender-transformative actions, including the Nourish Equality initiative. Francesco Branca emphasized the need to keep nutrition a top priority globally and at regional and country levels as we work to achieve global nutrition targets. 🚀 Looking Ahead This event sets the stage for future key moments, including the Paris Nutrition for Growth Summit in March 2025, aiming to transform commitments into action for a healthier future. #Together4Nutrition #GlobalHealth #SDGs #NutritionForGrowth #ZeroHunger #WHO #UNGA79 #HealthForAll https://lnkd.in/ehjc2RwC
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At the WTO Annual Agriculture Symposium 2024 Trade and Nutrition - Exploring the Nexus Un placer presentar el trabajo del Comité OTC, y los debates sobre salud y nutrición. Varios países adoptan medidas para asegurar que sus consumidores tomen decisiones informadas sobre los alimentos que adquieren. Esto incluye información nutricional y sobre salud en general. Esto es un objetivo legítimo de acuerdo a las reglas OMC. El cómo designar e implementar estas políticas es importante.
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☑️ Grateful for the leadership of Brieuc PONT, Thani Mohamed-Soilihi and the Ministère des Affaires étrangères français in carrying the #NutritionforGrowth Torch! ☑️ Malnutrition, from poor childhood growth to nutrient deficiencies and obesity, leads to higher mortality rates, preventable disabilities, and impaired cognitive development. ☑️ Despite progress, global crises and climate change are exacerbating these issues. ☑️ Yet, the power of evidence-based policies and investments to improve nutrition is undeniable, with every $1 invested yielding an average return of $23. ☑️ Read the recommendations for financial and policy investments developed by the Independent Expert Panel and published by the Paris Peace Forum here: https://lnkd.in/encPz_Vr ☑️ Helen Keller Intl and Helen Keller Europe are honored to be able to support the #N4G2025 process: https://lnkd.in/esjfnC4A ☑️ Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, Stronger Foundations for Nutrition, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Micronutrient Forum, USAID, UNICEF, Raj Kumar, Tania Karas, ATNi (Access to Nutrition initiative), Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Eleanor Crook Foundation, Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), Jennifer Vanyur, Breanna Gomillion, Melanie Sudetic, MSc, RDN, Fanny YAGO-WIENNE, Benjamin des Gachons, Dr Serge Breysse, Yann ILLIAQUER
Devex Dish: The French diplomat building an investment case for nutrition
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La Estrategia de Nutrición FAO trata de mejorar la dieta y aumentar los niveles de NUTRICIÓN a través de un enfoque centrado en las PERSONAS: 🥦 Apoyar y facilitar el proceso de seguimiento de la CIN2, Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición de 2014, así como para convocar el Decenio de Acción sobre la Nutrición de las Naciones Unidas, declarado en abril del 2016 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, y dirigir conjuntamente con la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) la aplicación de su PROGRAMA DE TRABAJO, en colaboración con socios clave. 🥑 Investigar y publicar pruebas, datos y directrices sobre nutrición basados en alimentos que incluyan la COMPOSICIÓN DE LOS ALIMENTOS, la evaluación de la dieta, necesidades humanas e indicadores basados en los alimentos. 🍅 Desarrollar la capacidad de los países para evaluar y dar seguimiento a situaciones nutricionales, analizar opciones e implementar programas y POLÍTICAS AGRÍCOLAS que tengan un impacto positivo en la nutrición. 📚 Proporcionar herramientas, orientación y apoyo para ampliar una educación nutricional adecuada y la sensibilización de los CONSUMIDORES a nivel nacional y local. Dejo el link para seguir leyendo! https://lnkd.in/eUKhWfFP
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We're proud to be a part of the International Coalition for Advocacy on Nutrition (ICAN) UK, a broad array of international NGOs, advocacy organisations and foundations united around the shared goal to save and improve lives through better nutrition. Every £1 invested in nutrition returns £23 in increased productivity and decreased health and social costs. Integrating nutrition into health services is key to preventing the 45% of child deaths which are linked to malnutrition. Ahead of the Nutrition for Growth Summit in Paris in March #N4GParis, ICAN are urging the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to prioritise nutrition: - 45M children suffer from wasting, the most life-threatening form of malnutrition - 1.3M under-5 deaths each year It’s time to act. Here’s how: https://lnkd.in/drMzWgRm
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¿En qué consiste el concepto ONE HEALTH - UNA SÓLA SALUD? En lo que va de siglo XXI se ha consolidado el concepto #OneHealth (Salud Única), un concepto sanitario que define y propone un abordaje conjunto y global entre tres ámbitos interrelacionados: la salud #humana, la salud #animal y el #medioambiente. La salud humana y la salud animal están muy relacionadas, entre sí y con el ambiente que nos rodea. Más de la mitad de las enfermedades humanas transmisibles se transmiten a las personas desde los animales y hasta el 70% de los patógenos emergentes son de origen animal. En el proceso de desarrollo y transmisión de estas infecciones, el equilibrio de los ecosistemas juega un papel fundamental. El objetivo es que la salud pública, la Medicina, la sanidad, la veterinaria y las ciencias ambientales, junto con otras disciplinas, trabajen de manera conjunta para defender una única salud. Este es un concepto que se está trasladando ya a la legislación europea. Para ello, la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (EEA - European Environment Agency) está trabajando con el Centro Europeo para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)), la Agencia Europea de Productos Químicos (ECHA - European Chemicals Agency) la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)) y la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA - European Medicines Agency) para garantizar que el asesoramiento científico de las agencias de la UE esté cada vez más integrado y alineado con el enfoque "#OneHealth". Desde 2023, esta colaboración se ha fortalecido con la creación de un grupo de trabajo interinstitucional a nivel europeo y en mayo de 2024 se presentó el primer marco de acción de trabajo para el período 2024-2026. Una interesante iniciativa para poder tener un enfoque lo más integrado posible. ℹ️ Más información: https://lnkd.in/dBn_eVEf ℹ️ Acceso al marco de actuación conjunto "OneHealth" para 2024 - 2026: https://lnkd.in/dbY49FZk
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I met Bill Gates And here’s what I learnt from him Firstly a big shoutout to Nile University of Nigeria for co-hosting the #Nutrivision2024 The event was on the Pan-African youth dialogue on Nutrition (I’m typing this so calmly but I’m totally elated that I attended this event🤭) You can watch the vlog to get a full feel of the event Now to what I learnt There are many things you can learn by just being in the same space as a Billionaire 😂 One for sure is that you need to work harder and smarter!! Here are 3 things he highlighted 1. The Power of Technology in Health: Bill Gates highlighted how emerging technologies like AI and data analytics are transforming healthcare. Specifically, they have the potential to create personalized nutrition plans for African youth, addressing malnutrition in a way that traditional healthcare cannot. 2. Cultural Relevance is Key: A major takeaway for me was the importance of designing health solutions that are culturally relevant and accessible. Gates emphasized that for tech-driven health innovations to be truly impactful, they must consider the unique dietary habits and customs of the communities they serve. 3. Sustainability Matters: We also touched on the sustainability and scalability of health solutions. Gates stressed that it’s not enough to just create effective solutions — they need to be adaptable and sustainable for the long term, ensuring they can benefit more people across Africa over time. One last thing he said that spoke to me is “Philanthropy can do things that politicians can never achieve even in the next 20 years” Don’t say I never shared anything useful, save this and share with your communities!!! #PanAfricanYouthDialogue #HealthTech #AI #Nutrition #SustainableHealth #AfricanInnovation #BillGates #YouthEmpowerment
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🌟 Recomendado 🌟 Acerca de las micotoxinas, en especial de las Aflatoxinas (AF) y el riesgo que supone para la industria alimentaria. "Al menos 4 mil millones de personas en países del Tercer Mundo están expuestas recurrentemente a AF , y las normas legales para AF en los alimentos impactan negativamente el crecimiento económico de dichas naciones... ... Las aflatoxinas son mutagénicas, genotóxicas, inmunosupresoras, cancerígenas y teratogénicas (T. Omara et al., 2021)" The Scourge of Aflatoxins in Kenya: A 60-Year Review (1960 to 2020) Autores: Timothy Omara Sarah Kagoya, Ambrose K Kiprop, Papias Nteziyaremye Caroline Kiwanuka Nakiguli, Phanice Wangila, Alex Paul Wacoo , Mark Peter Odero , and Samuel Baker Obakiro. https://lnkd.in/ewt2RfvF
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ACCESS TO TREATMENT, including LONG WAITING TIMES, is a BIG ISSUE faced by patients with KIDNEY DISEASE in Ho Chi Minh City, according to this article published October 15th, 2024. The number of people suffering from CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE in Vietnam has RISEN RAPIDLY recently to an estimated 8.7 MILLION ADULTS or 12.8% of the population, according to Dr. Nguyen Huu Tu, vice president of the Vietnam Young Physicians Association. What are the ROOT CAUSES of the increasing incidence of chronic kidney disease? Escalating HUMAN HEALTH and ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION CHALLENGES offer OPPORTUNITIES for #innovators, #entrepreneurs, #startups and #smallbusiness to develop SOLUTIONS aimed at PREVENTION, EARLY DETECTION and LOWERING COSTS by addressing ROOT CAUSES. WinSolutions | Win on Impact supports investment in #southeastasia SMEs and startups having viable sustainable innovations relating to #biodiversity, #healthyfood, #nutrition, #health and #healthcare for #EU market entry.
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