At FOLIUM Science we focus on environmental stewardship in our food supply chain. It is fantastic to see how an initial idea formed earlier last year has been nurtured into support from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Innovate UK. With great support like this and our great products from our #GuidedBiotic technology platform, such as #SWIFTRBiosensor, #BiomElix and #BiomMod ranges we can sustain a healthy secure food supply
📰 Ammonia emissions pose a significant risk to human and environmental health and have been hitting the headlines recently! Did you know that the UK government is committed to reduce ammonia levels by 16% (compared to 2005 levels) by 2030? 🐔 One of the main contributors is the poultry sector, where intensive production is devastating local environments, such as the Wye Valley. High levels of ammonia can also impact bird welfare and productivity. 🦠 The rate limiting step in ammonia production is catalyzed by microbial enzymes called ureases that are produced by the #microbiomes present in poultry houses. FOLIUM Science is repurposing its #GuidedBiotics #CRISPR technology to specifically modulate the microbiome to reduce ammonia emissions and to improve nitrogen utilization in the bird. This clearly shows the potential for our technology to tackle environmental problems such as #airpollution and #climatechange. 🌟 We're grateful to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs's support through Innovate UK that has permitted this important research and development. Edward Fuchs │ Enca Martin-Rendon, PhD, FRSB │ Martin Woodward