Out Of Order is a brand-new game show hosted by the inimitable Rosie Jones, alongside team captains Judi Love and Katherine Ryan and celebrity guests. In each episode, teams engage their snap judgements and compete to place ‘Rosie’s Regulars’, a panel made up of members of the public, in order according to a question. Questions such as: who has been married the most times? How many sickies they’ve pulled to get off work? And who’s the biggest collector? Read more here: https://ow.ly/zsBw50QGCI4
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Love this from #AJ, getting stuck right in with the hydration and a personal upgrade of focus coaching, this would have had such a profound effect I am sure. On many of our complex IFM projects it sometimes can become overwhelming to see the finish line when a submission looms, but taking time to focus and building effective team communication get's us the best result for all. I will be thinking of this next time around... #TeamworkDreamwork | #FacilitiesTransformation
We simply had to share this BRILLIANT moment from the London Marathon... Imagine you're struggling to finish and you bump into Anthony Joshua! Let's hope his awesome words of encouragement made all the difference! We'd want him as our hype man, that's for sure. Well done Lucozade 👏 We've had countless episodes with top-level fighters like AJ. Listen to them all here hppod.co/app
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How’s that for coaching!
We simply had to share this BRILLIANT moment from the London Marathon... Imagine you're struggling to finish and you bump into Anthony Joshua! Let's hope his awesome words of encouragement made all the difference! We'd want him as our hype man, that's for sure. Well done Lucozade 👏 We've had countless episodes with top-level fighters like AJ. Listen to them all here hppod.co/app
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Absolutly amazing. His words can be taken into any situation in life or business.
We simply had to share this BRILLIANT moment from the London Marathon... Imagine you're struggling to finish and you bump into Anthony Joshua! Let's hope his awesome words of encouragement made all the difference! We'd want him as our hype man, that's for sure. Well done Lucozade 👏 We've had countless episodes with top-level fighters like AJ. Listen to them all here hppod.co/app
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OK, so I'm going to be an arse about this!! Was this really helpful? 1) Well done to number 49825 ( Benjamin Gerrish,) and all who attempted to run the marathon. 2) AJ's speech was cool to listen to from the comfort of my study. 3) AJ's right, when it hurts (anything in life) controlling the mind is the biggest battle. 4) and YET, most importantly, was this helpful to 49825? Only 49825 can tell us that. He did finish in the impressive time of 03:18:38. Only he and he alone can tell you if this speech by AJ was any good. Perhaps his words meant nothing, but getting a handshake from such a high-performing athlete as AJ meant the world to this man, I don't know. And that's the point: this is being celebrated over social media, and yet the only true person who can measure the success of AJ's intervention is 49825. 5) How many kids have had a coach or parent vomit such a well-meaning speech on them pre, mid or post-competition? A speech which they have had to dutifully listen to, only for it to make no impact at all. Just wondering.
We simply had to share this BRILLIANT moment from the London Marathon... Imagine you're struggling to finish and you bump into Anthony Joshua! Let's hope his awesome words of encouragement made all the difference! We'd want him as our hype man, that's for sure. Well done Lucozade 👏 We've had countless episodes with top-level fighters like AJ. Listen to them all here hppod.co/app
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It's 1000- brew time bonus: "People Power!!! A triathlete, pauses an opens up to being 'mentally blown up' Anthony Joshua MBE give him the best few words he needs to keep going. Looking after your Clients' teams, and their co-workers; looking after my family and friends is the NUMBER ONE rule for me! No question. Then they have the platform to excel at everything they are given the opportunity to. At Bee-Right First Time, I take this to heart in my work- and I get results! Call me or message me for more info #EliminatingErrors
We simply had to share this BRILLIANT moment from the London Marathon... Imagine you're struggling to finish and you bump into Anthony Joshua! Let's hope his awesome words of encouragement made all the difference! We'd want him as our hype man, that's for sure. Well done Lucozade 👏 We've had countless episodes with top-level fighters like AJ. Listen to them all here hppod.co/app
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Watched a really good show called The Offer. It’s about all that it took to make the Godfather, centering around Al Ruddy, the producer, and his dogged persistence to do everything he needed to not just make the movie, but to make the BEST movie possible. Some things that held on after the show. 📌A producer is a fixer. A problem solver. A ringmaster. 📌A producer is someone who does whatever needs to be done to get their movie made. In the show, it involves striking deals with the mafia and putting up their fees against any over-budget. 📌Movie scenes are abbreviations. They’re snapshots. Especially true when you’re adapting it from a book. 📌Good is better than fast. 📌The need for operational transparency – there’s a great tendency for secrecy, but being a producer is about having your hands on all the moving parts. 📌We can’t chase after what we think an audience wants to see. We got to show the audience what it needs to see. And the last: “You just f-ing swing, Al.” The Godfather was one of the highest grossing pictures in box office history.
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To all the computer haters out there, this is your guy! Tap this link to see it: https://lnkd.in/ebDCWFc3 Watch the latest episode of our new show "Let It Kill You" now playing on Vice's YT
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Strange(r) Coordinates is back. This time, we’re chatting with Rameez Tase, co-founder and president of our client Antenna, about the long love affair between brands, media, and entertainment. Full episode here: https://bit.ly/SrCRameez
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Liam discusses the pros and cons of playing the long game and some of his own horror stories in property 😱 Watch the full episode here: https://lnkd.in/ezT3s2XR
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https://lnkd.in/dpsRx2vv #IAmTheComicHero #ComicHeroShow #Episode475 #ColorectalCancerAwareness #KidneyCancerAwarenessMonth #MysteryPopUpSegment #CerebralPalsyAwarenessMonth #DCComics #MarvelComics #IDWPublishing #DynamiteEntertainment #YouTuber WARNING: I haven't done an episode in two weeks. Whenever this happens, I do what I call a Mystery Pop-Up segment. There are TWO of them on this episode.
Comic Hero Show: Episode 475
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