Just as the month of March is significant for women and women’s right, July is becoming increasingly important for us Communications & Public Relations (PR) professionals because of World PR Day, launched in 2021 to forge a global agenda of enlightening the world about the PR profession. And as we wrap up the month, as much as i was ecstatic to be named on the 2024 Power list by GLG Comms and the Guardian, and the corporate comms professional of the year by Young Achievers Nigeria, I was equally excited to join Integrated Indigo Limited’s World PR Day webinar speaking on the theme “The Future of PR in a changing World”.
Truth is, the theme is one that has lingered on my mind since i came across an article that noted that PR has become more challenging for professionals because of Artificial Intelligence(AI) - to which I completely disagree.
As AI continues to develop, we cannot deny it will significantly impact all spheres of life, including PR. But AI is no match for human expertise, and therefore cannot replace humans in PR and Communications. It can, however, significantly enhance our capabilities.
Just as there’s no dearth of information on Google for cooking Egusi soup, helping you and I prepare our Egusi soup in many different ways, there are also many AI tools for efficiency and productivity in PR activities. I watched a video on youtube where the chef used a blender creatively to make pounded yam, and the Ekiti babe in me leaped for joy as I looked forward to trying it out.
That is how we should see AI - as an enabler. We should embrace AI, not compete with it. AI can make our work better, e.g. AI tools can help with media monitoring, provide data analysis and track market trends for more impactful campaigns and even provide templates for Crisis Communication. However, how you use these are unique to every professional and every organization. It’s never one-size-fits- all, so there will always be a place for human creativity.AI is best suited for handling repetitive, data-driven tasks. However, human skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, sound judgement, empathy, and emotional intelligence are still required to make sense of data for meeting business objectives.
My 5-year-old daughter once asked me “mommy, what exactly do you do at work?” I thought about how to simplify what I do in a way she would understand. Since her playtime at the moment involves dolls, dresses and make-up, my response to her was “I am the make-up artist of my organisation. I make my company look and feel good to everyone using various channels and tools”. So, I guess you can say AI is a powder brush in my PR make-up purse😊
Dear PR and Comms Professionals. No, scratch that. Dear everyone, do embrace AI for the value it brings, but keep in mind, AI is here to assist and enable, and not to replace.
PS –Thank you @Indigo for having me, and so great to connect with such brilliant minds and co-panelists.
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3moWonderful mission, but one question: is this envisioned to be a part-time role?