Gale Ruttanaphon’s Post

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Body transformation coach to women entrepreneurs • Follow me for posts on losing weight & toning your body without burning out or giving up the foods you love • Keynote speaker @ Unilever, Apple, Interpublic Group.

Surprised by sudden weight swings despite your disciplined routine? 10 things women should know about weight spikes: 1.     Long-term changes: Your weight changes over time when you gain or lose muscle and fat. 2.     Short-term fluctuations: Day-to-day weight changes happen because of changes in body water. Your body is about 60% to 70% water. 3.     Water retention can lead to temporary weight gain, not fat gain. 4.     Eating salty and carb-heavy foods, having periods, feeling stressed, and doing tough strength exercises can make your body hold onto more water. 5.     If your weight suddenly goes up, don't worry. It usually goes back to normal in a few days. 6.     Expecting your weight to stay the same is unrealistic and causes unnecessary worry. 7.     If your weight goes up and down quickly, you’re likely retaining water, not gaining fat. 8.     Weigh yourself daily, but focus on how your weight changes over weeks and months, day to day. 9.     Your weight doesn't tell the whole story of your health and fitness. 10.     To see the big picture of how your body is changing, look at how your clothes fit, your measurements, and your weight. — 👋 P.S. If you enjoyed this, please repost. The cost of sharing is $0.00 and can help spread free knowledge. Thanks! Follow me Gale Ruttanaphon for more content like this!

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Žan Hočevar Peganc

Osebni trener za telesne preobrazbe podjetnikov | CEO of 2Fit2Fail


Yes, life happens. Gale Ruttanaphon But staying consistent and bouncing back is the real deal.


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