Delighted to have been elected Chair of the All Party Group for Science & Technology in Agriculture. Never have we more needed a stronger cross-party voice for the importance of the UK Agritech sector. As the world invests $billions into the science, technology & innovation to increase agricultural productivity & production with fewer chemical inputs, the UK as an agri-science powerhouse has a massive opportunity to attract inward investment & grow a valuable industrial supply chain & sector. Agri-Food Innovation is KEY to so many of the Governments laudable objectives: 🇬🇧Industrial Strategy 🌎Net Zero & decarbonisation 🥗Food security 💐Biodiversity 🥗Nutrition That’s why in 2014 I led the calls for a 10yr Industrial Strategy for Agritech through the APPG, formed the #Agritech #IndustryLeadershipCouncil & was honoured then to become Minister for it in 2014 & deliver a £150m package of 🌿£90m Agritech #CatalystFund 🌿UK Agrimetrics Centre Rothamsted Research 🌿Regional Innovation Centres After an initial flurry of Agritech VC investment the disruptions of 2016-24, agri-environmental & ELMS policy uncertainty, lack of strategic focus & disruption the UK sector again lacks a clear long term HMG policy framework, reliable market demand “pull” & global visibility.
Congratulations, and to the vice- and wider group members. Great to attend yesterday and hear such a range clear opportunities, but also recognition of the challenges you set for the group to propose and advocate for change. You know that you have the support and engagement from members of Norwich Research Park
Tough sector to fund in from an early-investor perspective, market is very slow moving and often very hesitant to adoption of new technologies. Understanding how you can support a supply chain in agri to move more quickly would be welcome
There's an abundance of latent reservoir of cutting edge agri-tech in the UK just bubbling under the surface. I'm looking forward to seeing you enable this sector and take it to the next level.
Congratulations ! Your leadership in the All Party Group for Science & Technology in Agriculture comes at a crucial time. The UK's potential as an agri-science powerhouse is immense, and your focus on innovation, sustainability, and food security is inspiring. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact on the sector and beyond!
Congratulations ! Your leadership in the All Party Group for Science & Technology in Agriculture comes at a crucial time. The UK's potential as an agri-science powerhouse is immense, and your focus on innovation, sustainability, and food security is inspiring. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact on the sector and beyond!
An ideal match. I’m sure, if anyone can progress an Industrial Strategy for Agriculture, you’re that person.
I am really pleased to hear this! I'd love to continue to engage on the subject of dextrous harvest robotics...
Monica Saavedra is doing some cool work with Lambda agri in the space.
Well done, George! This is an excellent appointment, especially given the government's industrial strategy and its focus on promoting clusters.
Research Partnerships and HP3 Hub Lead
3moReally enjoyed sitting in and listening to the discussions and cross sector thoughts on key priorities for the UK to deliver on food security, climate and nature. A real call to arms that working collaboratively and listening to the needs of the sector we can help drive innovation towards solutions.