Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei VA Imaging für die Unterstützung in den letzten zwei Jahren und die zuverlässigen, hochwertigen Kameras für unsere Fahrzeuge. Seit Beginn der Entwicklung unseres driverless Systems sind Kameras ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil unserer Sensoreinheit. Sie ermöglichen die Erkennung und Klassifizierung der Leitkegel, die die Strecke begrenzen, und erlauben es unseren Autos dem Weg präzise zu folgen. Vor der Formula Student Germany fiel unser LiDAR-Sensor nach einem Gewitter bei der FS East in Ungarn aus. Innerhalb einer Woche mussten wir unser System anpassen, um nur mit zwei Kameras anzutreten. Was unmöglich schien, führte dazu, dass wir erfolgreich am Wettbewerb teilnahmen und den ZEISS Real-Time Video Processing Award gewannen. Diese Erfahrung zeigte uns das Potenzial eines rein kamerabasierten Wahrnehmungssystems und bewog uns, LiDAR für die nächste Saison aus unserem Konzept zu streichen. Ohne VA Imaging wäre all dies nicht möglich gewesen und hoffen auf eine weitere Zusammenarbeit. We would like to thank VA Imaging for their support over the past two years, providing us with reliable, high-quality cameras for our cars. Since the beginning of our driverless system development, cameras have been a cornerstone of our sensor assembly. They are essential for recognizing and classifying the cones that define the track, enabling our cars to accurately follow the path. Before the Formula Student Germany event this year, our LiDAR sensor malfunctioned following a thunderstorm at the Formula Student East event in Hungary. With only a week to adapt, we faced the challenge of competing using only our two remaining cameras. What initially seemed impossible turned out to be successful enough for us to enter the competition, where our efforts were recognized with the ZEISS Real-Time Video Processing Award. This experience highlighted the potential of a camera-based perception system and ultimately led us to remove LiDAR from our car’s concept for next season. None of this would have been possible without VA Imaging, and we are hoping to extend our collaboration for another season. #cameras #engineering #motorsport #fsg #fseast #fsfrance
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Sie benötigen mehr Effizienz und Genauigkeit bei Ihren Tests von ADAS/AD-Systemen? 🚗🔬 Der physikbasierte System-HiL von Expleo ist eine komplette Testlösung, die 3D-Szenario-Spezifikation, Sensor-Simulation und Test-Automatisierung kombiniert. ➡️ Wie unser System-HiL das Testen von ADAS & Automatisiertem Fahren noch effizienter macht? 🔹Realistische Szenario-Spezifikation: Physikbasiertes Fahrzeugmodell, freie Wahl der 3D-Umgebung (Autobahn, Landstraße, Innenstadt). 🔹 Präzise Sensor-Simulation: Kamera, Radar, Lidar, Ultraschall. 🔹 Leistungsstarke Test-Automatisierung: Expleo Tool, präzise Kommunikation zwischen ECU und Simulation, unabhängige 3D-Simulation, dynamische Fehlersuche. 🔹 Reproduzierbare Testergebnisse: Wiederholbare Testfälle unter konstanten Bedingungen, bis zu 900 Tests pro Tag, automatische Testberichte mit vollständiger Rückverfolgung. #ADAS #Simulation #Testautomatisierung #HiL
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I’m excited to announce that I will be presenting at the AVL Simulation Conference Germany 2024 on September 25, 2024. My talk, titled “Qualification of Sensor Simulation for Scenario-Based Validation” (“Qualifizierung der Sensorsimulation für die szenariobasierte Absicherung”), will take place at 12:00 PM. In my presentation, I'll dive into the crucial role of sensor model validation and how we address this at Persival GmbH. I will specifically highlight the importance of validation metrics, using the example of LiDAR sensor simulation. Proper validation metrics are essential for assessing the accuracy and reliability of sensor models. Sensor simulation allows us to recreate complex scenarios in a virtual environment, providing a foundation for more efficient and faster testing and validation of new technologies. This is a crucial step in shaping the future of autonomous driving and an important part of our work in the virtualization of ADAS and AD systems. I look forward to engaging in a fruitful discussion and sharing the latest advancements in this field. #scg2024 #simulation #adas #virtualization #innovation #model #validation https://lnkd.in/eR39kzMk
AVL Simulation Conference Germany 2024
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I am happy about the opportunity to present our findings within the AVEAS-Projekt at the #ASAMInternationalConference (#AIC2024) Dec. 04-05 2024 in Munich. The scope of AVEAS is to develop methods for the systematic acquisition of real-world data under challenging conditions (in particular: in public traffic at accident hotspots), and for using this data to develop data-driven simulations for the validation and safety assurance of automated driving functions. One pivotal aspect of this process is that vastly heterogeneous data sources (infrastructure LiDAR and LWIR cameras, sensor road vehicles, light aircraft, and driving simulator studies) support the same data formats to store dynamic and static traffic scenario information. With ASAM e.V. - Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (host of the #AIC2024) we have a strong partner maintaining major standards in automotive, automation and simulation, namely for the scope of the AVEAS-Projekt, #OpenDRIVE, #OpenLABEL and #OpenSCENARIO. The combination of these allows us to store complex traffic scenarios in a reproducible and interoperable way, from road geometries over the dynamic behavior up to variation of parameters for virtual testing. I will shed some light on how we are defining domain-specific parameters for OpenLABEL through DIN SAE SPEC 91518, and how this joint data format can serve to harmonize international acquisition efforts. Thanks to our other AVEAS-Projekt partners understand.ai, dSPACE, Porsche Engineering, PTV Group, Continental, Allianz, GOTECH Fahrzeugentwicklungs- und Konstruktionsgesellschaft mbH, Spiegel Institut, Institut für Mess- und Regelungstechnik / KIT, Fraunhofer EMI, Fraunhofer IVI, Fraunhofer IOSB. Additional thanks to our associate partners and the supporters of DIN SAE SPEC 91518, ADAC Württemberg, TÜV SÜD, ALP.Lab GmbH, DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., SAE International, Vicomtech, ETO GRUPPE, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB, Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung (DZSF), and to the funding from Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) within the KoPa4Mobility framework, managed by TÜV Rheinland Consulting. Also there is other very good reasons to visit #AIC2024, including talks from our project partners Tille Karoline Rupp from Porsche Engineering, Thorsten Püschl from dSPACE and Matthias Pfriem from PTV Group. We're looking forward to meeting you there and discussing these topics! Links to the conference and the project are in the comments below.
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𝐊𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑 zum Thema 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐍! Welche Sensoren sind für autonomes Fahren wichtig und wie müssen zukünftige Bordnetze und deren Verbindungstechnologien gestaltet sein? Unser Referent Dominik Dotzer klärt auf! 👉Melden Sie sich gleich an!
Sensoren, Bordnetze und zukünftige Verbindungstechnologien
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Die patentierte NLTL-Technologie von Anritsu ermöglicht präzise Messungen von Millimeterwellen-Radarsignalen in Fahrzeugen, was die Herausforderungen der schnellen Chirp-Frequenzänderungen, großen Bandbreiten und hohen Frequenzen bei der Testphase überwindet.
Ultrabreitband-Messgerät für ADAS und AD
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🚗💡 Mobileye Ends Internal #LiDAR #Development for a New Focus! Mobileye has stopped its #FMCW-#LiDAR R&D, shifting its focus to #computer #vision and #imaging #radar for its #future #autonomous #driving #systems. This strategic change leverages advances in #EyeQ6 and #imaging #radar, offering better scalability and cost efficiency. Around 100 employees will be impacted, with $60 million allocated to cover costs in 2024. The decision won't affect current products, and Mobileye expects its next-generation radar to be in production by next year. 🌐🚀 #AutonomousDriving #LiDAR #ImagingRadar #TechInnovation #Automotive https://lnkd.in/dXGE-8Qk
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Was ich heute zum Thema #Technologie und #Innovation lese. Ein Beitrag von #: RoboSense Umsatzvolumen von LiDAR für FAS erreicht Wachstum von 487,7 % in H1 2024 ... Bestimmt relevant für einige Kollegen bei #Schattdecor und #MyMineralMix !
Was ich heute zum Thema #Technologie und #Innovation lese. Ein Beitrag von #: RoboSense Umsatzvolumen von LiDAR für FAS erreicht Wachstum von 487,7 % in H1 2024 ... Bestimmt relevant für einige Kollegen bei #Schattdecor und #MyMineralMix !
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Our Holographic Displays at CES 2025 – Featured on Galileo on TV! 🌟 The CES in Las Vegas is the stage for groundbreaking innovations that are set to transform our daily lives – from AI and quantum computing to autonomous vehicles. This year’s highlights included exciting new technologies: cutting-edge gaming experiences, household robots that not only vacuum but also tidy up, and autonomous transit systems in tunnels. We’re especially proud that our holographic displays for window systems, developed in collaboration with ZEISS Microoptics, were showcased on "Galileo" at ProSieben TV channel as one of the technologies poised to shape the future. ✨ What makes our holographic displays so special? They bring information directly into the line of sight – innovative and convenient. Holographic light steering turn any transparent surface – from windows to dashboards – into a smart interface. The potential: smarter interactions and new possibilities for mobility and technology. CES once again demonstrated how close future technologies are to becoming part of our everyday lives. Together with ZEISS Group, we are excited to continue developing these solutions and shaping the mobility of tomorrow. 📺 Interested? You can watch the segment here – HÜBNER is featured starting at minute 6:25: https://lnkd.in/enYdCZsr HÜBNER Photonics #CES #CES2025 #innovation #mobility #publictransport #unitedbypassion
"Galileo": Zukunft hautnah: Das sind die neuesten Innovationen der CES!
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Great achievement by your team! We enjoyed the contact and cooperation with GET racing Dortmund💪