This game is exclusively for GPC members ONLY. 🎁 Day 4 Challenge: "What’s one piece of governance advice you’ve gained from GPC that you apply in your daily role?" Send in your answers to or comment below. Only ONE lucky winner will receive complimentary registration for the 2025 GPC Annual Conference in Montreal AND enjoy a 1-night stay at The Fairmont Montreal during the event in August 2025! 🎉 REMEMBER, EACH ANSWER SUBMITTED IS AN ADDITIONAL ENTRY TO WIN! THE MORE QUESTIONS YOU ANSWER, THE HIGHER YOUR CHANCES OF ENTERING THE LUCKY DRAW. For full details on how to participate in this year's #12DaysofGPC, visit: #GPC #GPCMembership #CorporateGovernance #MembershipPerks #GPCCommunity #HolidayFun #WinBig #GovernanceProfessionals #Montreal2025
The one piece of governance advice that comes back to my mind often, is the course on minutes by John Dinner, which I took a few years back, and the do's and dont's of minutes. #12DaysGPC #Day4
Learning about "boots on the ground" experience from a seasoned corporate director at the GPC conference this past August #12DaysofGPC
Chartered Governance Professional
2moThe one piece of governance advice that I gained from GPC is from the speech of Peter Crow in Fall Dinner party at OGL Chapter GPC is to understand the role of CEO and the Board Members and who should be responsible to handle the pressure in a Board Room. I will be applying these advice while mentoring leaders in their job role. #12DaysofGPC Day 4 Challenge