As #socialentreprenuers working in the #healthyageing space, one of the biggest challenges we face is getting our #research led innovations adopted by traditional #healthandsocialcare stakeholders.
Let's be honest, they have little or no time, resource or capacity to embrace change. They're often too busy fire fighting in a highly pressured, overstretched environment that's not fit for purpose.
I think it's fair to say that they're also risk-averse and wary of adopting innovation (especially sport-led) from outside traditional networks of providers.
As social entrepreneurs, we work with a passion and determination to prove how to #shapeabetterfuture for our #ageingpopulation to enjoy for a lifetime.
Arguably, we are some of the best placed people to transform the mind-set of #policymakers on why it makes so much sense to adopt community driven, prevention led, holistic, evidenced based, cost-effective solutions at scale.
In simple terms, we have many of the solutions they seek ready and waiting.
However, if we are to transform the way people are supported to live the happier, healthier lives they deserve, our #healthandsocialcare stakeholders must meet us halfway and take the leap of faith required to get ahead of the "crisis curve" and #invest now in the innovative, preventive-led solutions and start disinvesting in the broken services that are unsustainable and deliver unacceptable societal outcomes.
As you know, I passionately believe that actions speak louder than words, so here's a great example of how we're collaborating at the coalface of #healthyageing to deliver highly impactful, cost-effective and sustainable outcomes right here, right now.
For less than the cost of a single GP appointment (£56 for 10 minutes - Kings Fund) couples living with a long term health conditions can benefit from our #forevergolfday service that provides regular health checks, golf-inspired exercise routines, meaningful activities, hospitality and socialising as well as a priceless day of respite for #carers.
With a little imagination you can see the profound and immediate impact Golf in Society and my fellow #socialentreprenuer collaborators can have on the health and wellbeing of communities if our services are adopted at scale.
Department of Health and Social Care #reimagined
#timeforchange #actnow #socialenterprise #embrace #innovation #leadingtheway