Exciting news from the insurance sector in Mozambique! We're thrilled to welcome the Ren Re team, along with the visionary Monalisa Cezerilo to the growing community committed to the Sustainable Development Goals. This marks a significant step in integrating sustainable practices within the insurance industry in Mozambique. As we onboard with the Nairobi Declaration on Sustainable Insurance, it's a time to reflect on how our industry can not only adapt to, but also actively support, a sustainable future. The insurance sector has a unique role in mitigating risks associated with environmental and social challenges. By championing sustainable practices, we're not just future-proofing our businesses, but also contributing to a healthier, more resilient world. Here's to making sustainability the core of our operations and leading the way in responsible business practices. #SustainableInsurance #SDGs #Mozambique #InsuranceIndustry #NairobiDeclaration"
Renaissance Corretora de Resseguro reaffirms its dedication to the Nairobi Declaration on Sustainable Insurance, emphasising its commitment beyond business interests! By embracing this declaration, they actively contribute to an industry that values #environmental, social, and governance principles. For Renaissance, this signifies more than just business; it's about embodying responsibility as a global citizen to positively impact our shared world. -- Monalisa Cezerilo -- #SustainableInsurance #CorporateResponsibility