#ISMCINNOVATION 🚀 Kick off meeting of the GAIA-TSF project in Lisbon 🚀 A new project was launched this week by Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) in collaboration with other 6 partners. 📡 Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Analysis for Tailings Storage Facilities (GAIA-TSF) aims to design and develop the prototype of a system based on satellite earth observation 🛰️ and machine learning algorithms to achieve continuous multi-level/multi-scale characterisation and monitoring of Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). 🤝 The consortium brings together universities and companies from Europe and Africa, in a 28 month project, funded under #HorizonEurope by EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme. The partners met in Lisbon to lay down the foundation of future work and hear directly from Eduard Escalona, the #EUSPA project officer, congratulating the consortium on the project launch and outlining expectations and objectives. 🌟 The meeting was hosted by Cybele, a Lisbon based SME working in advanced satellite observations. Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) is leading the project management and leading clustering activities to involve stakeholders and facilitate future market uptake of the solutions developed by GAIA project. Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC), Cybele, TU Delft | Aerospace Engineering, Charles University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Copperbelt University, University of the Witwatersrand, Geoscience Wits.
Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster | ISMC’s Post
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🚀 We are thrilled to announce that the GAIA TSF project officially launched on Tuesday 26th November 2024 in Lisbon. 🛰️ Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Analysis for Tailings Storage Facilities (GAIA-TSF) aims to design and develop the prototype of a system based on satellite earth observation and machine learning algorithms to achieve continuous multi-level/multi-scale characterisation and monitoring of 🪨 Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) 🏗️ . The consortium led by Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) brings together universities and companies from #Europe and #Africa. GAIA-TSF is funded under #HorizonEurope by EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme. 🤝 The partners met in Lisbon to lay down the foundation for the next 28 months project activities. Eduard Escalona, the EUSPA project officer, attended the meeting (online) congratulating the consortium on the project launch and outlining expectations and objectives. The GAIA-TSF kick-off meeting was hosted by Cybele, a Lisbon based SME specialised in Standardized Satellite Environmental Monitoring and enhanced software development. ISMC, the leading Spanish cluster fore the mining and raw materials sectors, is coordinating the project and managing the clustering activities to involve stakeholders and facilitate future market uptake of the solutions developed by GAIA project. Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC), Cybele, Delft University of Technology, Charles University (Univerzita Karlova); Czech Technical University in Prague, Copperbelt University, University of the Witwatersrand
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Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is an environmental phenomenon that can occur either by the natural exposure of sulfide minerals to weathering conditions or as a consequence of certain mining activities.AMD is a serious environmental problem that can contaminate water sources and harm ecosystem. We are in Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) investigating the availability and feasibility of different #geospatial data for AMD mapping. Part of our research is presented at #IGARSS2024 in #Athens.
#IGARSS2024👋🏻 🔊Our project was prominently featured in #Athens this week at the 44th annual "International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS 2024" organised by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). 📡 Yesterday, there was a joint session organized by the S34I project and MultiMiner, titled "Machine Learning Methods for Earth Observation: Applications to All Phases of the Mining Life Cycle," led by our coordinator, Ana Cláudia Teodoro, and Joana Cardoso-Fernandes, both from Universidade do Porto, with the support and participation of our partners Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) with Fahimeh Farahnakian and University of Ljubljana with Tanja Grabrijan. The session included a poster presentation at 16:20 and an oral presentation at 17:20. #IGARSS2024 is the primary meeting of more than 2,500 esteemed scientists and professionals in the remote sensing field worldwide. Σας ευχαριστώ και αντίο! More info here ->www.2024.ieeeigarss.org #CRM #RawMaterials #FromSkytoSoil #euproject #innovation #sustainability #EO #earthobservation #mining #mineralexploration Our Consortium: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Instituto Geológico y Minero de España CSIC GMV Ecotone, Inc. EUROSENSE Hellenic Survey of Geology & Mineral Exploration (H.S.G.M.E.) ICAMCyL Foundation Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) Spectral Mapping Services SMAPS Oy Universidad de León Universidad de Salamanca VTT Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) Montanuniversität Leoben University of Ljubljana Aurum Exploration Services Omya Beak Consultants GmbH
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🤝In collaboration with the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and 10 esteemed partners, OPT/NET BV has embarked on an ambitious 3-year journey with the launch of the GoldenRAM project, receiving EU funding 💰of €6.7M. 💻The GoldenRAM project facilitates the exchange of raw material information by harnessing the power of cutting-edge IT, Cloud, and AI technologies. 🛠️As the Technical Manager of this transformative project, OPT/NET BV is committed to simplifying complex computation workflows and providing effortless access to geological and remote sensing data. 🔍 Check out the press release now to learn more about the GoldenRAM project: https://lnkd.in/epYk3YeF 🌐 Plus, explore the project's website for a comprehensive overview of this groundbreaking initiative: goldenram-project.eu #PressRelease #GoldenRAM #EarthObservation #RawMaterials #Innovation #Sustainability #OPTNET #ProjectLaunch #HorizonEurope #horizoneu #AI #geology #sustainablemining #greentransition #AI #miningexploration #miningexploration #miningtechnology #satelliteimagery #artificialintelligence #digitaltransformation
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🌍 Leveraging Hyperspectral Imaging in Remote Mineral Exploration 🌍 In the ever-evolving landscape of mineral exploration, hyperspectral imaging is emerging as a game-changing technology. This advanced technique allows geologists to identify and map minerals with unprecedented accuracy, even from remote locations. By capturing the unique spectral signatures of minerals, hyperspectral imaging provides a detailed picture of the subsurface composition, which is crucial for efficient resource exploration and management. At Goldberg Resources, we stay at the forefront of technological advancements to deliver precise and actionable insights. The recent article in Mine Magazine highlights how this cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing our industry, enabling more sustainable and cost-effective exploration practices. As we integrate these tools into our consultancy services, we're excited to offer our clients the competitive edge they need in today's challenging market. To learn more about how hyperspectral imaging can enhance your exploration projects, check out the full article here: https://lnkd.in/eQJ_JZbv 🛠️ Key Takeaways: - Enhanced mineral identification and mapping - Improved efficiency and reduced exploration costs - Increased sustainability in resource management Let's harness the power of innovation together. Contact us at Goldberg Resources to see how we can support your next project. #MineralExploration #HyperspectralImaging #Geology #Innovation #Sustainability #GoldbergResources
Mapping minerals remotely: how hyperspectral imaging can support exploration - Mine | Issue 142 | July 2024
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📢 The backbone of Europe's economy lies in its raw materials. ➡ They provide a robust #industrial foundation, producing a diverse range of goods and applications that are a part of our daily lives and modern #technologies. 🤔 However, the availability of certain #rawmaterials remains a growing concern both within the #EU and throughout the world. 🚀 #S34I, an #innovative European project, aims to increase Europe's autonomy in raw materials resources by utilizing advanced data-driven techniques for analysing Earth observation (#EO) data. 🎉 On #EuropeDay, we're proud to be part of the #European community and work together in this amazing project! 🤝#FromtheSkytotheSoil 💪 💪 #EuropeDay2024 #EUunity #CRM #RawMaterials #Geoscience #euproject #innovation #sustainability #EO #earthobservation #dataanalysis #data #mining #copernicus #mineralexploration Our Consortium: Universidade do Porto Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Instituto Geológico y Minero de España CSIC GMV Ecotone, Inc. EUROSENSE Hellenic Survey of Geology & Mineral Exploration (H.S.G.M.E.) ICAMCyL Foundation Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster (ISMC) Spectral Mapping Services SMAPS Oy Universidad de León Universidad de Salamanca VTT Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) / Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK) Montanuniversität Leoben University of Ljubljana Aurum Exploration Services Omya Beak Consultants GmbH
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stay tuned
The countdown to the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) at ICC Sydney is on! ⏲️ Starting tomorrow, October 29–31, join us at Booth Q23 to discover the latest advancements in our end-to-end exploration solution, ExoSphere. Explore our new gravity surveys, enhanced AI mineral exploration offering, and our latest projects. Don’t miss our packed schedule including live demos! Here’s how you can get involved: ➡️Tuesday, October 29 📅 12:30 PM (AEST): Keynote by our CEO and Co-Founder, Flavia Tata Nardini, on unlocking exploration’s potential with space & AI. More details here: https://hubs.la/Q02VQS-B0 ➡️Wednesday, October 30 📅 1:40 PM - 2:00 PM (AEST): Bronwyn Murphy, our Head of Geological Account Management, discusses the impact of geophysics and AI with Peter Duerden, Managing Director at Waratah Minerals . More details here: https://hubs.la/Q02VQSzJ0 ➡️Wednesday, October 30 📅 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM (AEST): Join the guided IMARC Expo walk-through as part of the NextGen Leaders program. University students will have the unique opportunity to meet and connect with our inspiring female CEO and Co-Founder, Flavia Tata Nardini. 📲 Book a meeting with us via the IMARC Connect App! We look forward to seeing you in Sydney! #IMARC2024 #MiningInnovation #AI #Multiphysics #AmbientNoiseTomography #MineralExploration #SustainableMining #CriticalMinerals
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The primary aim is to encourage mineral exploration and support better early-stage decision making. At the same time, the data resources will benefit environmental and land-use planning, water resource management and sustainable energy development such as geothermal.
Customer Success Manager at Seequent, EMEA | Geologist PriSciNat | Mining | Technology | Husband | Dad | Percussionist
As the #mining #indaba approaches, it's #essential to recognize Uganda's efforts in fostering a #sustainable future through #geoscience data. Learn more about Uganda's commitment to sustainability: https://lnkd.in/dJRGtnQg Come talk to Seequent and find out how we can help your company and #government manage and share #geoscience #data #globally using #collaborative #cloud #technology. #Sustainability #Geoscience #Uganda #MiningIndaba #Geology #Mining #Science #Tech #AI #Automation #Cadastre #Geo Bentley Systems Andrew Quixley, MBA, BSc Vhusafheli Ramanugu-Pr.Sci.Nat. Kevin Fischer Victor Mapuranga Inna Shalovenkova Keith Osburn Seth Miah Investing in African Mining Indaba
Uganda enables a sustainable future with geoscience data
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China has initiated the "Deep Earth" National Science and Technology Megaproject, aiming to develop advanced drilling technologies capable of reaching depths of up to 15,000 meters. Led by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, this ambitious endeavor seeks to bolster national energy and resource security by uncovering new reserves deep within the Earth's crust. The project emphasizes the importance of achieving original, landmark scientific breakthroughs in deep-Earth exploration. This initiative builds upon China's recent advancements in deep-sea drilling. In 2024, the country launched the "Meng Xiang" ("Dream") deep-sea drilling vessel, capable of operating at depths of up to 11,000 meters, marking a significant milestone in ocean-based exploration. By pushing the boundaries of drilling technology, China aims to secure its energy future and establish a leading position in the field of geoscience.
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TEAMING UP is a great thing, especially when partners in business share the same values, regardless the distances and the time zoning factor. This is how the global "big village" lives and runs the processes these days, taking care of critical matters to improve the future for all. Australian-registered Avalio teamed up with the Larin Engineering HHC based in Czech Republic to work on a #naturalhydrogen project led by the Canadian Max Power Mining Corp, in the USA: https://lnkd.in/gkt2gYqk . If this news is not enough to get you amused, here's the best part: The whole story is scientifically founded on the Primordially Hydridic Earth concept (PHE) developed by Dr. V. Larin over 50 years ago https://lnkd.in/gbayjAUa and successfully proven on a multiple occasions around the world, including: - successfully drilling #HoartyNE3, the first designated natural hydrogen well in #Nebraska in 2019, by Nikolay Larin and his team; - multiple fundamental lab experiments conducted by independent research teams scattered around the globe; - the development of methods and techniques, such as soil sampling, etc., that have become the industry standard and are currently being used by virtually every team working on the subject, worldwide... and so on. Watch this space. Rav Mlait Pavel Piankov Nikolay Larin
Hydridic Earth: the New Geology of Our Primordially Hydrogen-rich Planet : Vladimir N. Larin : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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Will AI outperform traditional geologic methods?
Durango Leverages AI Technology to Advance Babine West Copper Gold Exploration Project https://lnkd.in/gW7xX9tE
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