An interesting research program from the European Commission
We are very excited to announce the launch of SHERPA, new solutions for hydropower plants, a new project providing solutions for hydropower plant #refurbishment! 🚀 The main objective of this newly funded #HorizonEurope project is to develop and validate #innovative #technologies for refurbishing existing hydropower plants (#HPPs). The #kickoff meeting took place at the Basque Country Delegation (Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco), at the heart of the EU Bubble in #Brussels. A big thank you for hosting us! We would also like to thank all the partners for your contributions and exchanges, and specially to the Project Officer Clara Astudillo for joining us during the project first meeting. Iberdrola Generación, S.A., Iberdrola, Zabala Innovation Spain, Zabala Innovation Europe, Voith Hydro, Innomerics, EPRI in Europe, AECOM. Stay connected for the next steps!🌊 #SHERPA #EUproject #HorizonEurope #hydropower #refurbishment