iDesignRES’ Post

🌟 MEET OUR PARTNERS – PSI 🌟 This week, we’re delighted to highlight PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, a renowned Swiss research institute at the forefront of energy system analysis and sustainability research. As a key partner in iDesignRES, involved through their Energy Economics Group (EEG), PSI’s brings cutting-edge expertise to energy system modelling and optimisation. 🎥 Watch the video to explore PSI’s role in the project, their contributions to advancing energy system modelling, and meet the brilliant team behind their impactful work. With PSI, we’re paving the way for a sustainable energy future! 💡🌍 #iDesignRES #PSI #HorizonEurope #EnergyModelling #Sustainability #Research #Partnerships Evangelos Panos, Partha Das ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Technische Universität Berlin, E3-Modelling Energy-Economy-Environment, SINTEF Energy Research, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), EDF, Universidad de Deusto, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, Aalborg University, Technische Universität Wien, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, PSI Paul Scherrer Institut, Euroquality - Tinexta Group, Electricity System Operator (ESO) EAD, Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster, PPC S.A., Nord Pool, IPTO-Independent Power Transmission Operator , Aclima, Basque Environment cluster, DiXi Group, IER, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development

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