Research stay in Japan 🇯🇵 Scientific progress thrives on exchange with institutes all over the world - Michael Haas is currently visiting the Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI) at the Osaka University in Japan to promote this fact. Joint experiments at the unique X-ray facility in Osaka are planned to investigate three-dimensional capillary geometries during laser welding with simultaneous implementation of sophisticated process monitoring methods. 🤯 The joint research intensifies the cooperation between the IFSW and the #JWRI in both laser welding and X-ray evaluation. We are looking forward to the results of the great cooperation. The stay is supported by the Short-term Grants for Talents by InnovationsCampus Mobilität der Zukunft and the #Gsame scholarship, both funded by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg. We would like thank Precitec - Laser Material Processing for providing the monitoring equipment. Universität Stuttgart | Stuttgarter Maschinenbau #Laser #XRay #CapillaryShape #Osaka #Sushi #Abroad #ShortTermGrant #FutureMobilityGrant #ICM
We appreciate the inspiring collaboration with #JWRI very much. Thank you!
Amazing to see Tsukamoto Sensei and the JWRI colleagues in the IFSW and the other way round!
So how is Osaka Michael Haas ? Looking forward the new outputs of your research !
Head of department R&D projects at Precitec Group | Executive Director AKL e.V.
8moOsaka University has always been a driving force for innovation, with ideas born out of excellent teaching. The collaboration between IFSW - Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge and #JWRI is a source of joy for all those who are passionate about laser material processing. Have fun Michael Haas with your research.