Today, we've had the pleasure of welcoming my dear friend Martin Cserba & Pascal Dagné of diconium to our icon group headquarters, for their highly anticipated talk and an ensuing discussion about
🌍 "Sustainable Mobility As Business Opportunity",
as part of our internal impact talk series that I've started a few months ago.
The aim of the series is to ensure that we bring in external viewpoints, and to foster exchange with external parties about topics that are relevant for our crews at icon impact, icon incar & banbutsu.
Given their excellent talk, which I highly recommend you inquire with them about for your organization, I reckon the latter mission has been accomplished; but the true mission, this the talk & our discussion showed, too, has a long way to go: we need to make sustainability desirable, hedonistic even where this is required, not just for mobility, but in any given market & industry-this kind of intent, tech, execution & narrative is pivotal. This is also valid, imhop, because sustainability, in some circles, starts to become a boo word; and we simply cannot afford to let that happen.
And so, about the foto ... 💱 change starts with each & everyone: during the tour through our office, when demoing icon's sustainable washing machine system #DAITA to Pascal & Martin, I even put on a white T-Shirt (which I never, never wear) ... well, at least temporarily, I did 👕. Can you spot the red herring in the image, too 🤔 😉? If you wondered, the DAITA machine recognizes clothing, and can be extremely specific about the programs required to wash, thus helping to reduce e.g. energy consumption, detergents etc.
But wearing some type of shirt isn't enough to tackle the big sustainability challenges we're facing, we can only do this together ...
And in this spirit, thank you so much, Martin & Pascal, for your engaging & inspiring & connective contribution, and for your open innovation & discourse mindset, across agencies. This is how it should be.
#SustainabilityAsBusinessOpportunity #Collaboration #SDGs #WhiteTShirts #RedHerring #icongroup #diconium #iconimpact #iconincar #banbutsu
ISO 14001:2015 EMS & ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS Certified Lead Auditor from CQI IRCA I 7 Years experience in EHS sector - Manufacturing, Facility Management, Metro Project I IGBC I Corporate EHS data Management - Pan India
1moCongrats! Prince George- (Grad IOSH, IDIP NEBOSH, IIRSM, IGBC-AP) , Proud to be in your team !