Ready to make the most out of your online fitness journey? Check out this video for 7 essential tips to help you stay motivated, track your progress, and achieve your goals.
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Hey everyone, it's Caroline here and today I want to give you some tips on training online. So now there's quite a few people out there that you know, they go, but I'm on zoom meetings all the time for work. So we really don't want to do Zoom classes and and that's OK, but. Also remember, you know, you're not just sitting there in front of the the screen, OK? You're actually moving around, you're interactive. So it's not really like being in a meeting on Zoom, OK? But I do want to give you some tips to maybe make your Zoom a bit more enjoyable, OK? Or if you're using an app, OK, so number one is variety, all right? So make sure that the sessions that you're doing have lots of variety, so you're not doing the same thing all the time. Because that's just boring, OK? #2 you can use music. So when I'm doing my Zoom class, I actually mute you so you could have whatever music you want pumping away. Alright, so whatever motivates you, then do it, OK? #3 make sure you've got the right equipment. Alright, so perfect time. Now if you don't have any weights or bands or medicine or whatever, a little, you know, a couple of pieces of equipment that you might need, then ask for it from Santa. OK #4 is buddy up? If you're or obviously do a group, a group zoom class. Alright, so let's say if you're doing an app. They don't know what you're doing. OK, so you can stop the app at any time and take a little drink break. So do it with a friend OK so get them around to your place, go to the park and meet up and do it with someone cause you can motivate each other otherwise as I said, doing it actually online live then. I can see what you're doing, alright, or the other instructors. Alright, so whoever you are using, OK, The other thing is actually #5 is schedule it in, OK? So make sure it's in your diary, your phone calendar, whatever you're using, schedule it in and stick to it. It's an appointment, OK? And it's probably one of the most important appointments in your day, OK #6 is. Keep it sustainable, alright, but also, you know, get outside and and do it in the park in your backyard. So you know, you want to get the fresh air. And, you know, make it enjoyable, make you want to keep doing it. But also the sustainability part is about the environment. And I say get out into the environment because it's so good for you, OK, Get some vitamin D on your skin. And the other thing #7 is be accountable. Alright, so that's where maybe your buddy comes into it or post it online. Hey, I'm gonna do this class today. Or tell your family, your friends, OK? I'm going to do this. Keep me accountable alright so they can check in and say hey did you do this today? Why not? Alright so there's my 7 tips hopefully to get you going over Christmas if you need to do online sessions. OK so I've still got online classes going over Christmas. I'm not taking a break so if you need to you can jump on mine. So drop me a line or DM. And yeah so do some online. Glasses, if you're not already doing them, have a go and enjoy. Alright, see ya.