In our latest guest blog, Glenn Croasdale, Chief Client Officer at ICMIF member FMG (Farmers Mutual Group), explains how whilst the business world can be a cut-throat and lonely place for leaders, he believes it doesn’t have to be and that ICMIF offers a potential solution to both of these challenges.
For Glenn, #insurance and #mutuality are intertwined, and their purposes and origins are symbiotic. Through an intrinsic customer centricity linked to its purpose (of helping solve the problems its owners set it up to solve) the #mutual model helps, but does not completely eliminate, this win-at-all-costs approach to business.
With the ICMIF Biennial Conference coming up in Buenos Aires in November this year, Glenn has been reflecting on the value FMG gets from ICMIF and one insight he keeps coming back to is that ICMIF brings together a network of like-minded organisations with similar business structures (member owned), often similar origins, common purposes, and all within the insurance sector, making it easy to find and share relevant knowledge, experience, successes, and mistakes in a largely non-competitive environment rich with learning, growth and friendship opportunities.
Learn more by reading Glenn's blog:
#OnlyAtICMIF #ConnectingMutualsGlobally #CollaboratingWithPurpose