IOHA is pleased to announce our formal collaboration with INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF SAFETY AND HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS. Read more about the collaboration in the most recent issue of the GEM Newsletter or in the MOU linked below.
The International Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (INSHPO), and the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to further collaboration between the two organisations. As part of the MOU both organisations will endeavour to cooperate, wherever possible, on any issues relevant to OSH at a global level. To review the MOU in detail, click #collaboration #OHS #OSH #EHS #OH #industrialhygiene #occupationalhygiene #workplacesafety #MOU #safety #globalcollaboration #IOHA #INSHPO INTERNATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION