If you are an entrepreneur and think the “tech” IS what matters, I suggest you stop thinking that way immediately. And listen to Heidi Roizen’s clear thoughts on the topic below.
Bottom line IS if you haven’t built (or aren’t NOW building) a business which generates positive cash flow, or one which someone will invest in, you ARE NOT focused on what matters.
No government grant or subsidy, media accolades about the “tech”, more engineering, nor saying “it’s in the next release”, will save you. These are dangerous distractions. Unfortunately for most entrepreneurs, you only figure that out when it’s too late.
Great “tech” is like a “great” strategy, nice to talk about, but executing a great business plan is where the rubber meets the road as I like to say.
Thank you Heidi for calling it out so clearly.
And my sense, respectfully to the rest of world, is there are FAR MORE dead “venture” carcasses beyond than in the Silicon Valley. And what is worse is that systems in place, and the lack of supporting knowledgeable ecosystem participants - means that failures beget more “tech” failures, and worse yet a generation of entrepreneurs who won’t try again.
Silicon Valley is littered with the carcasses of tech startups that failed even though they had superior technology. Here’s how to keep yours from becoming one of them: https://lnkd.in/gK5_NGnu
Britain and America should treat this as a competition. A race to meet all these challenges. Nothing wrong with a little competition among friends 😉