ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique’s Post

📄 Un article intitulé "Dopamine builds and reveals reward-associated latent behavioral attractors" vient de paraître dans la revue scientifique Nature Communications. Bruno Delord, professeur en Neurosciences Computationnelles et chercheur à l'ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (Sorbonne Université/CNRS) a supervisé ces travaux de recherche. Matthieu Sarazin, ancien doctorant de l'ISIR, en est le second auteur. Voici un résumé de ces travaux : "Phasic variations in dopamine levels are interpreted as a teaching signal reinforcing rewarded behaviors. However, behavior also depends on the motivational, neuromodulatory effect of phasic dopamine. In this study, we reveal a neurodynamical principle that unifies these roles in a recurrent network-based decision architecture embodied through an action-perception loop with the task space, the MAGNet model. Dopamine optogenetic conditioning in mice was accounted for by an embodied network model in which attractors encode internal goals. Dopamine-dependent synaptic plasticity created “latent” attractors, to which dynamics converged, but only locally. Attractor basins were widened by dopamine-modulated synaptic excitability, rendering goals accessible globally, i.e. from distal positions. We validated these predictions optogenetically in mice: dopamine neuromodulation suddenly and specifically attracted animals toward rewarded locations, without off-target motor effects. We thus propose that motivational dopamine reveals dopamine-built attractors representing potential goals in a behavioral landscape." 👉 Plus d'infos sur ces recherche :

Dopamine builds and reveals reward-associated latent behavioral attractors - Nature Communications

Dopamine builds and reveals reward-associated latent behavioral attractors - Nature Communications

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