Excellent panel discussion article by @Raghu Kolluri, MD, MS, RVT, MSVM @Eri Furaya MD Phd FSVM and @Kumar Madassery MD FSIR from the July issue of Endovascular Today. This paper underscores the challenges of Venolymphatic Ulcers, Red Herrings and a proposed Classification System. Important read here! #VenousUlcers #VLU #VenoLymphaticUlcers #VenousReflux #Obstruction #Wounds #CEAP #VascularMedicine #Radiology #Cardiology
Yes, Definitely. Nice discussion. Newer terminology for Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU). Now it's Veno-lymphatic Ulcers with Classification system and Challenges posed in treatment!!
Senior Consultant | Healthcare, Teaching, Peripheral Vascular
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