Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued two orders that are perhaps the most significant development in federal transmission policy since Order No. 888. To learn more, click the link below for an article that summarizes these orders and discusses remaining transmission policy issues that my colleagues at Vinson & Elkins and I wrote!
📢 Big News from FERC. On May 13, 2024, the FERC laid "a new foundation" for the future of electric transmission facilities. They introduced final rules on: ⚡Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation (Order No. 1920) ⚡Backstop Authority for Siting Projects in National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs) (Order No. 1977) These Final Rules mark the most significant shift in federal transmission policy since FERC Order No. 888. This is a step forward for our energy infrastructure, ensuring a more efficient, reliable, and forward-thinking approach to planning, funding, and constructing transmission projects. ⚡🚀 #EnergyPolicy #FERC