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CONFLICT BETWEEN TWO AUTHORS Case An article was published in a journal. Seven months later an email was received from an author declaring that he was invited by the lead author of the article to help with statistical analysis and had made significant contributions to the paper. To his surprise, he realised that the article was published and he was not listed as a coauthor. The editor asked the complaining author to respond to several questions, including: whether he had contributed to the manuscript in accordance with COPE authorship criteria? Was there a written agreement with the lead investigator and other authors to include him as a coauthor of the article for the support he provided: Was he listed, at some point, as an author of the manuscript, and then removed without his knowledge? The author responded that he believed he fulfilled some of the criteria for authorship. He only had a verbal agreement with the main author and he had never been listed on the paper. The lead author maintains that the contribution of the complaining author was not significant to warrant authorship. COPE advice Authorship disputes are normally very difficult to adjudicate, and COPE recommends that journals do not enter into such disputes. Furthermore, they recommend that journals may not make authorship changes unless the reasons are clear and all of the authors agree to the change. The editor should contact the lead author informing them that, unless the parties involved can reach a prompt agreement on this matter themselves, it will be referred to the university, in accordance with the COPE flowchart on adding authors after publication. Source #article #journal #author #publication #authorship #COPE #ScientififcRoute
Conflict between two authors
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CONCURRENT SUBMISSIONS OF A MANUSCRIPT TO MULTIPLE JOURNALS Learn how editors should handle manuscripts submitted to multiple journals simultaneously. COPE's flowchart outlines the process for investigation, including suspension of review, content comparison, and adherence to journal policies on concurrent submissions. #PublicationEthics #COPE #ManuscriptSubmission #ResearchIntegrity #JournalPolicies #SimultaneousSubmission #EditorGuidance #AcademicPublishing
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Desk rejects without proper scrutiny of manuscripts are becoming increasingly common and is a source of concern for academia. For example, in the letter below, it's apparent that the editor did not bother to go through the manuscript or its abstract or the cover letter. There's not a single comment specific to the work that was submitted. This could be "sour grapes" speaking but even that is becoming very common. ----- (journal/study details cropped) Thank you for sending me the above mentioned manuscript. Highly likely your work is well done and without any doubt important. As editors of the .... we give the highest priority to the most excellent manuscripts on .... or manuscripts which provide new fundamental insights into ...... . In my opinion, for one of the reasons indicated below, the ..... is not the most suitable journal to publish your manuscript. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review your manuscript and I hope that my conclusion will not discourage you from sending your manuscripts to ...... in the future. I wish you success with your important work! Yours Sincerely, ...... ..... one of the following possible reasons: 1. Outside the scope of .... 2. Lack of generality requiring other specialty journals 3. Lack of originality / minor variation of published work / similarity in abstract 4. Marginal improvement over existing methodology 5. Lack of necessary .... 6. Presents only preliminary data / insufficient depth of research / lack of sufficient experimental details 7. The .... relevance of the manuscript is too limited 8. Promotion of a specific product 9. Text/language: sub-optimal 10. Insufficient adherence to journal guidelines #academia #journals #publishing
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Authorship change during revision: During the revision of a manuscript, sometimes new authors are included based on the new contributions (for example critical analysis of some data which can be done only by the new author) by the new authors. Inclusion of new author with the contribution is justified and should be acceptable by the journal Editor and all authors. However, there are practices where new authors are included without technical/scientific contribution. In this case, inclusion of new author is not justified and journal editor and other authors/coauthors may not accept inclusion of new authors. Some journal has policy to fill a form with the justification and need approval from all authors. Some journals don’t have this policy. I suggest to check the journal policy and it must be based on contributions. Otherwise, authors may not approve and will create challenging situation during the authorship change/inclusion. In worst case, Editor may not accept the publication. Link for my channel for research and publications:
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POV: Your latest manuscript submission has been sent back with a 'revise and resubmit' message. Now what? 😕 Our team outlines 🔟 tips for how researchers can effectively navigate this situation. Read below ⤵️ #Academia #Research #Publications
10 tips for navigating ‘revise and resubmit'
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The Indian Public Policy Review (IPPR) is accepting paper submissions across a wide range of public policy domains. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute their original work to the journal. IPPR covers the following areas: - Economics - Political Science - Public Finance - International Relations - Political and Defence Strategy - Public Enterprises - Science and Technology Policy To submit your paper, please visit our Submissions page and review the guidelines: Key points to keep in mind: 1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). 2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document file format. All supplementary material (graphs, maps, etc) is also provided in an editable format 3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. 4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. 5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. We look forward to receiving your submissions. #CallForPapers #IPPR #PublicPolicy #Economics #PoliticalScience #PublicFinance #InternationalRelations #DefenceStrategy #Science #Technology #PublicEnterprises #Research #Publish
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Some helpful hints.
POV: Your latest manuscript submission has been sent back with a 'revise and resubmit' message. Now what? 😕 Our team outlines 🔟 tips for how researchers can effectively navigate this situation. Read below ⤵️ #Academia #Research #Publications
10 tips for navigating ‘revise and resubmit'
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Publishing in high-impact journals is every researcher’s dream—but how can you make your work stand out? Explore the checklist for success! 📩: . . #highimpact #journalpublication #researchers #success #studenthelp #studentsuccess #publishingtips #researchtips #writingtips #tips #publishing #middleeast #gulf #gulfpublication #guideline #story
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What should editors consider when asked to add or remove authors listed on a manuscript? What action should they take? Editors should question why an author was omitted from the original list or should be added since the original submission, and have confirmation that all authors meet the appropriate authorship criteria and that no deserving authors have been omitted. Changes should only be made for clear and well documented reasons, and if all of the authors agree. In general, journals should avoid trying to resolve authorship disputes, and instead refer disputes to the authors’ institutions.
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"Today’s the day to elevate your research! ✨ Turn your work into tomorrow's breakthrough with SciJournal Publications. From editing to publishing, we ensure you’re ready to shine in the best journals. Reach out and let's make it happen! 📈 #SciJournalPublications #ResearchElevated #AcademicPublishing #EditingServices #PublishingSuccess #JournalSupport #BreakthroughResearch"
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