Julian Pearce’s Post

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Communications leader | MCIPR | Marketing | Media & Stakeholder Relations expert | Charity trustee

In Yasper Agency’s latest blog post, Bethany Lunt takes a look at whether ‘X’ aficionados should finally be flying the nest. I’ve seen a lot of commentary around this. For what it’s worth, I won’t be advising clients to switch off their X feeds. Yes, like many others I’ve been noticing some concerning changes to the platform and the content that is being fed through. But the tools exist to filter you feeds and block or report harmful content. The truth is, for many, they won’t even have noticed a difference. It does raise wider questions though about the role of a social media platform as a publisher. What I would say is that the views of the (relatively new) X management have been known for some time. Other prominent business people and corporations have views that don’t always align with our own. Yes, some take moral standpoints that affect what car they buy, what their fizzy drink of choice is, or what beauty product they use. But what, in my opinion*, we need to avoid, is virtue signalling. I’ve noticed my Twitter (sorry, X) followers go down by about a dozen or so (which could equally be attributed to my appalling gardening chat and Scilly spam). Perhaps it’ll be more a case of people moderating how they use the platform, rather than an outright exodus. #socialmedia #social #content #business #x *Other opinions exist.

Is it time to push X out of the nest?

Is it time to push X out of the nest?


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