Congratulations to Formosa 6 for passing the EIA! SRE's first offshore wind power project in central Taiwan, Formosa 6, has successfully cleared its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) today. This marks a significant milestone in its development phase and promises substantial benefits for the local community, the environment, and the renewable energy sector. 1. Local Community:Increased job opportunities and economic growth. 2. Environment: Reduced carbon footprint and sustainable energy production. 3. Renewable Energy Sector: Enhanced development and investment in clean energy projects.
Congratulations to Formosa 6 for passing EIA! SRE's first offshore wind power project in central Taiwan, Formosa 6, has cleared its EIA today, marking a significant milestone in the development phase. Whether in Miaoli, where we have established a strong foothold, or in Changhua, where we are venturing into for the first time with Formosa 6 and Formosa 7, we always put environmental protection and shared prosperity at the heart of our endeavors. Our active commitment to ecological protection, environmental monitoring, and engineering designs with minimal environmental impact clearly shows how much we care. SRE, besides pioneering offshore wind development in Taiwan, has sponsored the “Analysis of Cetacean Stranding Pattern in Taiwan and Live Stranding Rescue Enhancement Project” led by a research team from the School of Veterinary Medicine at National Taiwan University, marking an industry first. Through this project, we aim to enhance understanding of cetaceans in Taiwanese waters and establish a more constructive conservation and response plan. Step by step, SRE is advancing toward a sustainable future! 💚 【專案里程碑|海廣風電(Formosa 6)通過環評大會審查】 風睿能源(SRE)首樁位於中台灣的離岸風電專案「#海廣風電(Formosa 6)」於今日通過環評大會審查,為開發階段寫下了重要的里程碑。 #善盡在地責任 #遵守在地承諾 作為本地離岸風電指標性開發商,SRE秉持對環境友善的信念,謹守在地共好精神,不論在長期深耕的苗栗,抑或在「海廣風電(Formosa 6)」和「海興風電(Formosa 7)」落腳的彰化外海,除了主動承諾多項生態保護、培育及環境監測行動,也致力推動對環境影響最小的工程設計。 此外,隨著腳步南向,我們也首開業界先河,贊助由國立台灣大學(NTU)獸醫學系團隊主持的「臺灣鯨豚擱淺模式分析與活體擱淺救援精進計畫」,希望藉此計畫提升對台灣鯨豚保育的重視,建立更具建設性的保育措施和救援計畫。 SRE將持續深耕台灣,一步步實現離岸風電穩定遞進的目標,為永續未來盡一份心力。💚 #SRE #SyneraRenewableEnergy #synergy #era #風睿能源 #風力發電 #離岸風電 #再生能源 #海廣風電 #Formosa6 #offshorewind #offshorewindenergy #offshorewindpower #offshorewindfarm