Katie Brinkmeyer’s Post

View profile for Katie Brinkmeyer

Social Security Disability Attorney

How much time does the ALJ really spend reviewing Social security cases? If you assume that they do a minimum quota of 500 cases per year and farther assume there are 2000 working hours per year then AJ have four hours per case. This includes the hearing reading all the medical evidence Ryan the decision and administrative task like following up on obtaining medical records, or requesting vocational or medical interrogatories and proffering them to the attorney.

Jeffrey Appel

Disability Law Attorney representing individuals seeking Social Security Disability Benefits, Frequent Lecturer on Disability Issues, Former Attorney For Social Security Administration.


It’s our job to help them help us. How? By writing a simple straight forward brief setting out exactly why our client is disabled with a brief summary of the medical record which supports our theory of the case. It’s necessary to know the entire record. Does this sound too simplistic? After four decades of representing claimants I can assure you that the preparation and brief are the key components of success. For me, the hearing is the easy part.

That’s why I make sure to know the record better than the ALJ does!

Gil McLean, Esq.

Supervisory Attorney at Social Security Administration


You’ll probably find this to be a disheartening answer, but it depends on the Judge.

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