Imagine having just weeks, days or hours to process the news that you will be reliant on dialysis to stay alive. That you will need to spend four hours at a time, three times a week attached to machines and that you could feel wiped out after each session. It could impact your ability to work, socialise, enjoy family life. Our recent survey showed ‘crashlanding’ is the worst way to begin dialysis treatment, which is why we’re calling for more investment in earlier detection so we can intervene earlier and prevent more peoples’ kidneys failing. Read more below 👇
As a renal nurse, a common reason for ‘crashlandi g’ that I see is chronically high uncontrolled blood pressure. And most of the time, people weren’t even aware they had high BP Greater awareness of this silent BP epidemic may improve earlier diagnosis of renal disease and so a more controlled pathway to dialysis where necessary.
I had 18months to prepare for dialysis and was on haemodialysis for 5 years. I don't think anything can actually prepare you better than speaking to others who have experienced it. The best advice I would say is Never lose hope. Try and keep a positive mindset Don't think about being on dialysis for life just think about dialysis today will help you live tomorrow and the next day.
Thanks for posting
How about buying and read my book: The Journey Through Adversities which is available at Amazon. I am a whistle-blower of one of the government-owned institutions - the NHS ( National Health Service). I spoke about the discrimination, bullying, harassment, racism and mismanagement that were rampant- wasting public money. I was treated with the same inhumanely as the post-sub masters at the post office instead of taking responsibility and improving the broken demoralized system. Red tape (cover-up), are common in the institutions of the UK. You will be tortured physically, mentally, and financially up to the point that some of the victims end up taking their lives while waiting for justice!? God is good and he knows and never sleeps. Justice and truth will prevail in the end, as no wickedness and evil will ever win in his power and might 👍🙏