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M&N Group Companies Digital Arm (#KULQR and #JBQR): Special Bulletin: 🌍 Small Steps for a Greener KL ! 🌿 At #KLQR and #JBQR, we're committed to making Kuala Lumpur a cleaner, greener city. While exploring, remember to use trash cans, reduce waste, and follow the principles of Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Once the skies clear, visit our #KLQR and #JBQR checkpoints to discover Kuala Lumpur's sights responsibly. Let's protect and preserve this vibrant city for future generations! Manhore Singh Sukhbir Singh Muhammad Azhar Gushirljit Singh Despande Farid N. Hafiz Ismail Nurfarah Afiqah Mohd Redza Muhammad Haikal Raihan Bohari Siti Amelia Nur `Ain Nazmi Rob Cayzer Bina Bakat Berhad #EnvironmentalAwareness #GreenTravel #EcoTourism #KULQR #JBQR