For our guest panel we are doing it different, at least from the panels I have seen before. It is compromised purely of end users, not a sponsor or vendor in sight, even the amazing host Lianne P. is impartial. For this we will require some questions and that is where you the, the people attending get a say. What questions do you want to ask? What would you like to hear about and see how the size of a company and resources available can change the response? Where do they start with a cyber security program? What is first on the list when it comes to incident response? How do they keep on top of starters and leavers? Please ping me your questions either in the DM's or email me with the title 'Leeds Cyber Security Conference Panel Questions.' We are aiming for a minimum of 4 questions to be answered on the day. #cybersecurity #cyberevents #informationsecurity
Had some great questions sent across so far.
Impartial but can be bribed with champagne (cases only, thanks!)
Bringing a touch of Yorkshire to Cyber and Data Protection