Last week, I spoke at the fantastic Bossa event hosted by Dagens Logistik. I showed how, with courageous leadership, DFDS “walk the talk” to make logistics more sustainable. That includes our record-breaking fleet of electric trucks. And the green corridor we’re developing between Gothenburg and Ghent using eFuel vessels. And my message to the room was simple: act now! Many companies are moving in the right direction, but I think we can move quicker. If you want to improve the sustainability of your supply chain, get in touch! #DFDS #Logistics #SupplyChain #Sustainability #SustainableLogistics #Efuel #ElectricTruck
Stort Tack Linda. Är så glad att ni på DFDS och du personligen är med och lägger guldkant på Logistik & Transport | Svenska Mässan
Du är så himla bra Linda Borgenstam!! 💥💗
Grym som vanligt👊❤️
Linda! Du är oerhört inspirerande 💯⭐️🙏
Bravo! 👏 ⭐️
Head of Division at Ahlsell Sverige AB