You have to spend money to make money. And you'll make more money if your expenses are strategic. Events are an expense line. When I was in-house, I learned very quickly that my job wasn't just to produce strategic events. It was to educate the senior decision makers in our corporation on the vast and often unforeseen impacts that events can have on SO much more than meets the eye, making myself relevant and critical to success. Part of my path to strategic events was partnering up with designers like OneWest Event Design - a company that knows the power of PURPOSE. Every item and piece that comes into an event should serve a purpose and make the client investment work hard for them. Gone are the days of frilly things rigged in the air or chair covers being included just because it looks "nice" - doesn't make ANY sense for an organization, especially a non profit, if not strategic. If an org is going to spend money anyway, doesn't it make sense that it be a smart investment that does twice the work? What the untrained eye may not see is that the event "expense" can be almost fully offset by the impact it has - be it on internal brand initiatives like retention or externally like in building brand love - if done strategically. Check out the post my team and I at Brand Alive Inc. shared below, with our repeat year over year clients in mind. Thanks to brands like Pembina Pipeline Corporation, Axis Connects, InterGen for consistently investing in an event management partnership with us, for knowing inherently the value (both visible and not) that our role brings, and for believing in the power of events. #events #strategy
Let's talk dollars and cents... 💸 Your strategic event management partner turns every $1 spend on an event, into $2+ of value, for an ROI of over 100%. Here's how: Imagine your event budget. It lists proposed expenses that match the design and overall strategy tailored to the expected guest count, and a description of what we get for each expense. Its a very linear, list-like way to seeing the event plan on a page, before you add in all the nuance, negotiation, give-and-take nature of producing and building an event. Now integrate a strategic event producer. Visualize each line item becoming more robust, more curated, better suited to the client brand, without the dollars for each line item necessarily going up. Our long term clients know that when they bring our team on board, their investment goes miles farther then without.