Did you know California ranks second in the nation for rising rates of youth depression and anxiety? According to the 2023 California Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative report, a staggering 65% of young people with depression aren't getting the care they need due to limited access to services. Nonprofits like Mending Matters, a San Diego Foundation (SDF) Healthy Children & Families Initiative grantee, are working to change that by providing crucial mental health support to students across San Diego County. 💚 Read more about how Mending Matters is making a difference for youth in our region: https://bit.ly/3U7KPXA #MentalHealthMatters #Nonprofit
Mending Matters is providing our youth with incredible leadership while developing their skills to support themselves and one another as they navigate through life threatening challenges. We thank you for allowing us to partner with you.
Director of Development at The Elementary Institute of Science
2moPost-pandemic fall-out continues to impact students. More support to learn coping skills are needed at all levels but especially in underserved, BIPOC communities.