Hi team! Happy Monday. I was helping a client with an important decision last week and thought I'd share... Sometimes we put off making a decision telling ourself: - I need more information before I can make a decision. - I've got a lot going on right now, I'll decide when my head is clearer. - It's not the right time, but at some point in the future I will decide. Just be careful you're not indefinitely kicking the can down the road. Not yet, feels better than no, because you can kid yourself that it's still something you might do. Perhaps ask yourself, when will NOW be a good time? Realise that the longer you sit on the fence of uncertainty, the more you open the door to doubt. Indecision and doubt fuse together to create FEAR! In my experience, top performers are highly effective decision makers! It's a highly useful skill to develop. #Crossroads #decisionmaking #personalgrowth #careeerchange #newjob #coaching #transitioncoaching #topperformers #eliteperformance