Our picture book is now available and you can find more about it at this link: amzn.to/3MOcqsC. I wrote it with the specific intention of creating something funny and fun to read, but that would have potential as an education tool. Here's the opening text, to give you a flavour of it:
'Billy was a bat who wasn't very strong. He was just a little baby, and his toes they weren't too long.
He flew with his Mum to the top of the cave, to stay there for the winter, their energy to save,
But the neighbour-bats they wriggled as they settled down to sleep, and he dropped to the floor in a little batty heap.'
It was interesting to research bat facts (when you think they know them all already!) and make sure the text can be referenced in a realistic way. For example, when bats go to sleep, the muscles in their talons 'lock on' so they can't fall, but occasionally, in the hustle-and-tussle of the bat community, the littler ones are knocked to the floor. I needed Billy to fall to the floor so he can be found there by Dave, the boy who takes him home, because this is a true story.
Hopefully teachers will be interested in using our book with young children in projects such as seasons, hibernation and animal welfare. I’m very proud of this first picture book. If you'd like to invite me to your classroom to read it, that would be wonderful!
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