Optimising high-yield bioproduction of extracellular vesicles from stem cell spheroids: in their latest work, Elliot Thouvenot, Claire Wilhelm at Institut Curie and collaborators developed a millifluidic cross-slot chip to achieve high-yield release of biologically active EVs from under three million cells. By adjusting the flow rate, a single vortex forms in the outlet channels, subjecting the cells to high viscous stress
EVs produced at elevated Reynolds numbers demonstrated pro-angiogenic and wound-healing capabilities, confirmed through proteomic and cytometric analysis of their cargo. The unique molecular signatures of these EVs, compared to those from monolayer cultures, highlight the importance of both production methods and the 3D cellular environment in EV generation. An article co-authored by Laura Charnay, Noa Burshtein, Jean-Michel Guigner, Léonie Dec, Damarys Loew, Amanda Silva Brun and Anke Lindner
#extracellularvesicles #exosomes #stemcells #bioproduction #Vesiculab