Feedback is critical for delivering effective intelligence. I am delighted to have had the chance to publish on the importance of feedback, with many thanks to the team at Ontic! And many thanks as well to Paul Kolbe, Beth Sanner, Ryan Long, JD, Lewis Sage-Passant, PhD, and Angela Lewis, PhD for inspiring me on this topic and for all their work (articles, podcasts, and more) on the intelligence producer-consumer relationship that is at the heart of good intelligence.
Delivering valuable #intelligence starts with building a trusted relationship grounded in mutual feedback. Yet, many #CorporateSecurity professionals find obtaining this critical feedback challenging. Our latest article, written by Dr. Maria Robson-Morrow, PhD, explores why intelligence feedback is crucial and shares actionable strategies to gather the insights you need. Check out the full article and take your intelligence capabilities to the next level.
Greatly appreciate the thoughtful insight Maria Robson-Morrow, PhD!
Brilliant work (as always!), Maria Robson-Morrow, PhD! I love your commitment to moving our field forward!
This is excellent! Nice work Maria Robson-Morrow, PhD
Really insightful (once again!). Thank you Maria!
Great insight
It was great collaborating with you and hearing your expert insights! Maria Robson-Morrow, PhD