If it feels impossible, but inexplicably plausible at the very same moment, that signals our positive and optimistic neurons to fire and wire together —making new channels, pathways, and trails for wonderful neurological growth. Basically, this helps me feel better about myself and my abilities and capacities to accept the storms and the seasons for what they are —experiences within an abundantly challenging and beautiful Life. Neutral stimuli may simply be observed. If you are making efforts to feel and think better and create successful, strengthening, progressive, and prosperous loops within your heart, mind, gut, and soul; know that I'm here doing the very same work. To achieve greater brain to heart, to gut, and back up to brain health, with excellent cognition, emotional self-regulation, and a balanced state of peace, respect, dignity, care, and compassion for yourself and your soul: Please keep going through behavioural change with me and Others. We can do this and celebrate the fresh wins together: Thank you Steven Bartlett
Not so many years ago, I was working in a LateRooms.com call centre in Manchester on Christmas Day, booking people into hotel rooms. I went home after that shift to a small room in mossside, on my own. I remember feeling pretty low as I scrolled through Instagram, seeing how seemingly perfect everyone else’s Christmas Day appeared. It only seemed to magnify the areas of my life that were lacking, making me feel inadequate, unfortunate, and sad. To those of you who don’t feel great today for any reason: I know exactly how you feel. It’s important to realise that life is lived in seasons, and this is just one season of many in your life. This season will serve to make you feel even more grateful and fortunate when you move into the next one, filled with many of the beautiful things you’re hoping for. Life can change so quickly. Even within a year, things can look unrecognisably different. I am so thankful for all of my seasons - they all gave me important gifts I could not see at the time. 🎁