FDB MedKnowledge clinical module categories: screening/detection, dosing/ordering, patient-facing, standard vocabularies/government, and reference. #OpioidEpidemic #MedSafety #DrugKnowledge #PatientFirst
Nearly 108,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2022, according to final newly released federal figures. Over the last two decades, the number of U.S. overdose deaths has risen almost every year and continued to break annual records — making it the worst overdose epidemic in American history. Clinicians can curb opioid abuse when they have access to knowledge that helps them simultaneously stop inappropriate drug-seeking behavior while continuing to help patients with valid medical needs. FDB provides the drug knowledge that enables providers to prescribe controlled substances in their normal workflow, keep patients safe and comply with state and federal laws. Read the full story from The Associated Press: https://bit.ly/3TyQdSh | #OpioidEpidemic #MedSafety #DrugKnowledge #PatientFirst