HR: I rejected a candidate's job application twice, thinking they were overqualified. Fast forward to today, I'm working with them on a project and I'm blown away by their dedication and work ethic. The lesson I learned: never underestimate the power of a second chance. Don't dismiss candidates just because they don't fit your initial expectations. Give them a chance and you might be surprised by what they can bring to the table. #JobSearch #HR #Hiring #SecondChance
Over Qualified is the new way to say too old
Why does every HR on linkedin reject a CV twice and then booom! the person is hired and is an asset? 😂
This is the 5th time i see the same exact post by a different HR professional claiming this happened with them. Credibility lost… Nth wrong with sharing someone else’s experience but make sure you mention that at the beginning of the post.
“They were overqualified “,the more that applicants should be given consideration. As you hear from a lot of leaders “sorround yourself with people smarter than you”. They humbled themselves, chance should be given☺️
No such thing as overqualified. Yes, under qualified.
I never understood why people turned down applicants for being "overqualified". Surely they understand the pay scale for the job they're applying for, so why should it matter if they have what it takes and more? You don't always know why people are applying, and I think everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.
It's an interesting thought about being " overqualified" as that is someone's opinion. The candidate has taken the time and effort to apply for the role so must surely be interested and to have someone dismiss the application purely on their judgement is wrong and should at least speak to the candidate to establish why someone who may be overqualified in the recruiter opinion is interested in the role
But mostly HR and companies CEOs just they are just post here, in reality they are not doing what you post here
Exactly what I have been told so many times!! Yes I fit the role perfect and what they asking for! Not like I can go back and remove some of my experience like using an eraser.
Senior Roads Design Manager
4moDon't you think there is a problem in the hiring process and/or HR recuirter if a candidate was rejected twice and then got accepted ? I guess either the hiring process lacks the fundementals in hiring which they didn't find a suitable person to fill that position, then they had to accept an over qualified candidate. Or the recruiter is not well qualified as it took him 3 trials to accept the candidate job application. I'm pretty confident that the intention of this post is to encourage HR to give the candidates an opporunity. But such posts will also give a negative idea about HRs and how many of them lack the basics in recruitment process.