Kristen Lampkin, MBA is spot on here! Understanding yourself, your skills and your core values is an essential step in defining your career pathway.
Director, BEI (Business Equity for Indy) | DEIB Practitioner | Human Resources Professional | Global Speaker | Thought Leader
Understanding Yourself: The First Step in Career Development Before embarking on a career journey, you must understand who you are—your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. Self-assessment is the cornerstone of effective career development. Here are a few reflective questions to guide you: 🎯 What skills do I excel at? 🎯 What are my core values, and how do they align with my career goals? 🎯 What role does feedback from peers and supervisors play in my career self-image? 🎯 Take time this week to jot down your reflections. Understanding yourself is the first step toward finding job satisfaction and professional growth. #careerdevelopment #selfassessment #professionaldevelopment #growth
Director, BEI (Business Equity for Indy) | DEIB Practitioner | Human Resources Professional | Global Speaker | Thought Leader
1moThanks for sharing!