As the holiday season arrives, we invite you to take a step back. We know that for many of you, the pursuit of making a difference toward a sustainable, just, and positive future is unrelenting. In the spirit of #regeneration — not just for the planet, but for ourselves — we hope this time serves as a gentle reminder to care for your mind, body, and spirit. You are a critical part of the collective transformation we are striving for, but you cannot pour from an empty cup. Your health, both physical and emotional, is integral to the ongoing work of healing the earth and uplifting communities. As multimedia creatives, activists, and changemakers, you are constantly in motion — advocating, building, and envisioning new futures. But rest is a radical act of renewal. Whether it’s through quiet moments of solitude, reconnecting with nature, or indulging in creative activities that nourish you, take this time to center your own well-being. Rest is not only a break from the work but a form of regeneration that fuels the next phase of our shared journey. At Mycelium Media Colab, we’ve learned that our best ideas often emerge when we give ourselves permission to rest and reimagine. We hope this holiday season brings you moments of peace, rest, and creative renewal. With warmth and gratitude, Mycelium Media Colab
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Happy Earth Day!🌏 Earth Day serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty of our planet and the importance of preserving its health. This year, why not celebrate with a challenge that benefits both you and the environment? Engaging in outdoor fitness activities can reduce your carbon footprint, connect you with nature, and improve your physical and mental health. Here’s how you can take the Earth Day Challenge with activities that push your body and nurture the planet. 🔗Read More Here:
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Embracing the Present: Letting Go of the Need to Control the Future "Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it." This profound statement highlights the futility of trying to control the uncontrollable. Life is inherently unpredictable, and our attempts to manipulate its outcomes only lead to stress and anxiety. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a valuable lesson. Despite our best efforts, we cannot control the future. Instead of trying to dictate what's to come, we should focus on what we can control – our present actions. By contributing positively to our own lives, the lives of those around us, and society as a whole, we can create a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Humility, gratitude, and living in the present moment are key to unlocking a more peaceful existence. Let's learn from the past and embrace the present. We can't predict what the future holds, but we can control how we respond to it. By letting go of the need to control, we can find freedom in the uncertainty#Lessons from Pandemic#Embracing the present
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A Sunday Thought (#124): ‘2025’ - the year in which bioregionalism takes off? Hooray! The winter solstice means that my days will be getting lighter again until mid-June. I always cheer myself up by that positive outlook. And of course I look forward to the days off work between Christmas and January, being with family. But there’s also something extremely positive that I look out for in 2025: an expected boost for bioregionalism. There’s a whole array of signals that call for coherence and concerted efforts. Today I’ll let Joe Brewer do the talking for me, as he issued a strong invitation that I am also strongly supporting: In this short essay he says: ‘We can start to weave efforts as shared stories. Our shared stories of becoming bioregional. Of becoming life expressed in place through the movement of water into the living ecosystems of the Earth. I invite this because I already see it happening.’ I couldn’t agree more. Many of us, including r3.0 have taken preparatory steps this year to push strongly in 2025. r3.0’s open dialogs, conference and confluences, feedback sessions and continental debriefs are fully devoted to support the movement; our Blueprint Zero (the title will most likely change to better reflect the essence) will be a statement for a generically bioregional logic of regenerative economies and cultures. All we do are truly collaborative efforts in the context of the ongoing economic system collapse. We midwife the new while the old is in a downward spiral. And it is fantastic to see how things come together that none of us could do alone. For years I haven’t been so enthusiastic about what’s to come. Let me wish all of you a peaceful and joyful festive season. And maybe you take a bit of time to immerse yourself into the world of bioregionalism and its rich context unfolding. In all of the struggles we see patterns of collapse resilience that allow for active hope. I will cherish these! The next Sunday Thought will come out on January 12.
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Reflecting on 2024, I’ve witnessed so many shifts in the way I and people have navigated their lives, emotions, and connections. There has been power in the hard moments of this year: the experiences that brought discomfort, self-doubt, or guilt have often served as raw material for transformation. Shame and guilt are intense emotions that can hold energy, but love, compassion, and healing create far more expansive and contagious forces in the world. As we step toward 2025, there’s something deeply profound in focusing on those connections that nourish us, those moments of grace that remind us we are whole even when we feel broken. Healing doesn’t just happen within—it ripples out into everything we touch, and by cultivating meaningful, genuine relationships, we create a space that invites more love, more forgiveness, and more possibility. So, let’s walk into 2025 ready to embrace both the contractions and the expansions—finding beauty and transformation in both. How do you imagine that energy will shape the coming year?
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That Leader…is You. Birds still sing sweet morning songs. The Sun still shines. Baby whales still breach. Ocean tides still move. We still breathe oxygen given to us by the bio-systems of Mother Ocean, the plants and the trees. All we must do now is love ourselves, each other, and Mother Nature even more. Honour our relations. Everyone has the right to have an opinion and not be judged for it. It does no good to act like the ‘climate denier’ before us. There is no need for division of any sort. What we need is more love. Continue loving those that voted opposite to you. We need more connection with bio-systems. More connection with community. Accept what is. Have courage and move forward with even greater conviction for Our Blue Planet. Planet Ocean—the only home we have. Move forward knowing YOU can make a difference doing the right thing for Mother Nature, our greatest teacher, so that you do the right thing for yourself and generations to come. Move forward with a strong stance for the privilege and responsibility to care in reciprocity for Mother Nature. Move forward in community, for collective change. Stand for change, small or big. And collectively, change ripples into a circular economy. What are the changes in YOUR life that lend to a better blue-green future? The new and beautiful world to be born is right now breathing. And if we listen, we can hear her. Because in every moment Mother Nature is birthing life anew. The anthropocene systems to be are yet to evolve. Joining together, microcosm by microcosm. Leading to a new civilization. We got this. But we need YOUR voice, YOUR new choice, to change YOUR future. Breathe. Accept. Dig deep with fortitude. Take action. Address this changing world with Courage and Grace. Stand strong and stand together, now more than ever. Honouring our inherent responsibility to Mother Nature and essentially ourselves, is how we heal. Because regenerating Mother Nature is bigger than ‘the system’. We continue. Each one of us, a leader of our sacred relation with Mother Nature. We find another way to live life Our way. #OceanClimateAdvocacy #SmallActsBigChange #Symphony #Community
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🌱 January often comes with A LOT of pressure to set big goals and embrace the “new year, new me” energy. But can we take a moment to acknowledge something? It’s still winter. The days are short, the air is cold, and for many, post-holidays are a time to rest—not sprint. And that’s okay. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is honor the season you’re in, both externally and internally. If this January feels more like a time for reflection than resolution, more like hibernation than hustle, give yourself permission to lean into it. Growth doesn’t always mean setting big goals; sometimes, it means listening to your body, protecting your energy, and simply showing up. There’s no timeline for your progress. Move at your own pace—slow growth is still growth. 🌱 How are you easing into 2025? #JanuaryThoughts #MentalHealthMatters
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We are in, what my ancestors called 'the dark period'. This is the time when we, as a society, fight against Nature the hardest. As Earth goes into deep stillness, deep silence, & plants & animals go into hibernation, we do the exact opposite. As each day passes, we receive less & less natural light, & more & more caffeine is consumed in order to stay awake, & continue our production lines. 📈Instead of slowing down & resting, the speed at the end of November intensifies – we begin to push our tired selves out there into the world to do & do & do. And during this particular week, which is even named ‘Black Week’, we are ushered to consume, consume, consume. 🏭Black Friday creates an estimated 429,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year in the UK due to transportation & production. That’s the equivalent of 100,000 cars on the road for a year. Go check out the stats for your country. 🥀No matter how many moving words about regeneration or 'being the change' we might proclaim, it is this exact overriding of both our bodies’ & Earth’s needs, that keep us tied to the old paradigm, giving it fuel instead of divesting from it. An entrapment of unconscious choice, a programming dictated by our colonial minds. A choice that is the result of sharp disconnect. 🌎From land, from ancestors, from Nature. From ourselves. And our uncomfortable emotions lurking in our own subconscious underworld. When we avoid or bypass difficult emotions or realities in our lives, we are often unable to let go & engage in deep regeneration, of the kind that Nature invites us to precisely at this time. ⛰️When we are not connected with our bodies, we cannot hear the calls & needs of them. And in turn we cannot hear the calls & needs of land either. I know, because I too used to push & drag myself through winter, especially at this time. Now, my devotion to the dark period is growing stronger by the year. 🌑Facing our own darkness enables us to soften, to open. Eventually come home to our bodies & who we be underneath all that pain. We have an opportunity to become supple, flexible & develop capacity to tune in. These days if anyone expects me to ramp up my pace, my availability or to deliver on sharp deadlines at this time, my whole being becomes a NO. Because Nature’s energy is a NO. And that same energy is alive in me. No – we are slowing down now. No – we are turning downwards and inwards now. No – we are resting now. No – we are conserving energy now. No – we are reflecting now. No – we are sleeping now. No – we are following our natural rhythm, now. No – we are dying now. No – we are being gentle now. No – we don’t have to do anything else, this is what we are meant to do now. No No No I believe that if more of us heard our body's internal no each November & decided to act on it, the future wellbeing of all might become an increasingly realistic dream to dream. Are you willing? 🤎 🌲 Link in comments for the full blog 👇
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Goodmorning All... Rise and Shine 🌞🌟 🎯We often tend to hustle with our past, but we forget to realize that our past might have spots on it, but our future is always spotless. 🎯It is essential to understand that no matter how bad our past is, there is absolutely no point in clinging on to it and spend the rest of our life regretting about the same. 🎯We ought to understand the fact that no matter how dirty our past gets, we should always focus on working on our present and, thus, try to make our future better. No matter how worse our past gets, that was just our past, and we are already over it. 🎯There is no possibility for us to travel back in time and recover our past all over again. Hence, the ideal thing that we can ever do is to take lessons from our past and work upon improving our future. 🎯We should learn about the fact that our past does not have any control over us, but our future is still spotless. Even if we had the worst past ever, our future is still a blank piece of paper, and we may choose to create it just as we want. 🎯It is absolutely up to us how we want to create our future. Let's know that it is none other than ourselves who are going to decide how our present and the future should look like! When we have already spent our past, and we know that the time has already gone, we should no longer waste our time uselessly. We should not be spending our time just for nothing. 🎯Let's make sure that instead of loitering around, we should focus on working at our best, and thus, try to improve ourselves each and every single day. When we work forward to create a better future, we will obviously be able to perform our best and welcome better days to come along! Instead of wasting our time thinking in a negative way, we should always focus upon boosting our zeal to make our future the best as possible. 🎯We should always try to recreate our future such that we do not have to regret it later on once it is gone. Another important thing that we should take care of is to remember that our past is always a lesson to us, and even if we haven’t succeeded in the past, we can always take it in a positive way, and thus, work upon improving it for the future so that our coming days become brighter!
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Collective Energies, November 8-9 On Friday, all the aggressive, conservative tough talk that’s been blasted over the news channels will continue making waves for a few more days, even as people begin to take a few steps back to assess what the election results really mean for different groups. I’m not usually into conspiracy theories, but right now, the energies suggest that groups of people are playing with our ideals and loyalties in an effort to influence and maybe even control the narrative. This means that it might be a good idea to check many different sources before buying into what any particular group says. Of course, this could also have nothing at all to do with politics—maybe you’re playing around with getting involved in some kind of religious or spiritual group or an investment club that follows attractive but strict rules. These next few days bring a reflective energy in that has us taking some time and space to digest exactly what the changes of this past week mean, and mull over the ramifications, some of which may be radical. Instead of turning things over and over in your head, try putting the week’s events out of your head completely and instead, seek out chances to enjoy and appreciate your family and friends. Maybe go out for a hike in nature, or watch an uplifting movie together. If you can’t manage to do this, at least talk to someone you trust so you can get a few things off your chest. It’s not a good time to keep bottled up emotions inside without expressing them. Even if you think that you’ve got enough emotional distance to “handle it,” this will probably come back to bite you in the butt before you know it—at the very least, it will make you irritable and maybe anxious—so find your tribe and talk about the things that really matter to you. You can do this while you’re out and about, too. In fact, physical movement can help you process things now. Saturday night, you may feel like turning in early instead of partying. Nothing wrong with that; it’s been a pretty intense week for all of us, after all, and catching up on a few Zzz’s will build up your energy to take care of those tasks that need your undivided attention on Sunday. If you want to know what the collective energies mean for you personally, email me at to book your appointment.
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Embracing Winter's Wisdom for a Gentle Start to the New Year As we turn the calendar to a new year, many of us feel the pressure to dive headfirst into resolutions, bold goals, and immediate transformations. But when we look at the natural world around us—especially here in the northern hemisphere—we see a different story unfolding. Winter is a season of stillness. The earth lies dormant, gathering energy and resources for the burst of life that spring will bring. While the days are indeed growing longer, this change is gradual, offering a quiet reminder that growth takes time. Perhaps we, too, can take a cue from nature. Instead of rushing into the frenzy of "new year, new me," what if we moved slowly, with intention? What if we allowed ourselves time to reflect, to plan, and to prepare, rather than expecting instant change? Winter is a time to come together, to nurture connections, and to lay the groundwork for what’s to come. By aligning our energy with the season, we honor the rhythms of life—both within us and around us. So, let’s reframe our approach to the new year. Let’s use this time to envision, not act; to plant ideas, not expect full blooms. Let’s focus on self-care, quiet growth, and collaboration, knowing that the energy we conserve now will fuel our vibrant emergence when spring arrives. I invite you to join me, alongside a wonderful community of founders and leaders for the January edition of 'Your Away Day'. The day we always promise ourselves but never take. Thursday January 23rd - Click here for more info & to book - --- Hi, I am Joel, I work as a business partner to founders, business owners & solopreneurs. I believe in a world where we 'work different'. Centering the human experience to enable impactful work, whilst feeling energised and alive. Your Away Day - Website - Instagram -
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