National AIDS Trust’s Post

Talking about #HIV with friends and family can still be a difficult subject to bring up. Looped in is a free online tool we created to help support these conversations and make sharing information as easy as possible. Find out more 🔻

  • Loopedin. Supporting conversations around H.I.V. Red Ribbon. National aids trust.
Massod Vadiee

BSc,MD.PhD.Dip Physician-Scientist/Aging & Neurodegenerative Médicine/HIV/AIDS & Emerging Infectious Diseases/Pandemic Intelligence/Clinical Trials & AI-Driven Care in Aging/Ageism and Health literacy(*Admined)


Czy mógłbyś uprzejmie poinformować środowisko medyczne i zdrowie publiczne o brutalnej napaści fizycznej, której poddany został American HIV LGBTQ advcate lekarz-naukowiec przed krakowskim instytutem zdrowia publicznego w Polsce? (Heriknaz/Admin)


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